IBM Z Software Asset Management

  • 1.  Scan for shared volume

    Posted Wed September 13, 2023 01:06 AM


    Please help to scan for shared volume.
    When we scan two load libraries, one dataset cannot be scanned. They are allocated on the same volume and the volume is shared by two systems.
    Our customer has just upgraded from V7.5 to V8.2.
    When we use the same parameter to scan in V7.5 environment and V8.2. V7.5 can scan both libraries and V8.1 cannot work; only one library can scanned. 
    We're thinking that the scanning function's specification was changed between V7.5 and V8, so we think it would be corrected when we just specify PLX=Y. Is it right?
    Also please tell me if there is any other consideration to scan for shared datasets?

    Thanks in advance,

    Takako Kugai
    (813) 380-8599 x5

  • 2.  RE: Scan for shared volume

    Posted Wed September 13, 2023 01:37 AM

    The PLX setting does not alter Inquisitor program behaviour.  The PLX setting is passed along to IQ Import where the setting means something - that is, it affects how the data base is updated.

    If you think the scanning is not working properly then you should open a case.  Technical details such as messages, error codes and job output would be required to diagnose the problem.

    If you want to post an error message here, go ahead, and I will attempt to interpret it, but any thorough remedial action from us would require a case to be opened.


    Greg - IZSAM Dev & L3

    Greg Price

  • 3.  RE: Scan for shared volume

    Posted Wed September 13, 2023 04:55 AM


    Thank you for your help.

    When scanning using V7.5, both datasets are scanned as follows.
    Full rematch will be performed because the FULLREMATCH option is set
    libid  VOLSER Library                                      Status
    ====== ============================================ ====================
    1      IP0002 X6.LOADLIB                                   Added
    2      IP0002 X6.T.LOADLIB                                 Added
    But as scanning using V8.2, one dataset has the status as Mirror dataset as follows.
     =================================Start of Marked as deleted library list==============================
     libid     library name                            volume    status                        action
     =====     ============                            ======    ==========                    =============
     8         X6.LOADLIB                              IP0002    Mirror(base=                  SYSD)Deleted
     222       X6.T.LOADLIB                            IP0002    Base                          Deleted
    We make sure FOBSERVELAST column for X6.LOADLIB in XRD02B.TMODULE was not updated, so we think this dataset cannot be scanned but there is no error message.
    Would you give me any suggestion?

    Takako Kugai
    (813) 380-8599 x5

  • 4.  RE: Scan for shared volume

    Posted Wed September 13, 2023 11:23 PM

    Hi Takako,

    There we many changes between 7.5 and 8.2 and one of them was the addition on mirroring.  By the way this has now been replaced by PTF UJ92779. The customer is running old code and needs to apply a lot of maint. That being said. The problem we thought originally was that the Inquisitor code that scans the volumes was in error but now that is not the case. At some point in time the DASD was imported from LPAR SYSD for the library  X6.LOADLIB and that means that SYSD is deemed to be the owner of that library. IT can only ever be updated by SYSD. Now I can't tell what has transpired in 8.2 because now there is another library that has been imported from another LPAR because as you say the DASD is shared but clearly SYSD matched X6.LOADLIB first and then the second LPAR added X6.T.LOADLIB. So at some point in time this library was not scanned by SYSD.

    Question: How is this data being scanned? Was PLX=Y/N used and if so which one? If you have used PLX=Y then the assumption is that ALL the DASD is shared between all LPARS. Is that the case? If it is then make sure all the latest maint is applied and then run IQIMPORT again and the issue will be resolved. It is important to keep up to date with maint. If there are other issues then please open a case.


    Jim K.

    Jim Kyriakakis

  • 5.  RE: Scan for shared volume

    Posted Thu September 14, 2023 12:27 AM

    Hello Jim,

    Thank you for your help.

    We launched IQIMPORT job on SYSE with PLX=N.
    After applying all PTFs, we'll redo with PLX=Y.
    Let me ask the question if necessary.


    Takako Kugai
    (813) 380-8599 x5