Automated Testing

Communication issue between Linux and awsosa z/D&T

  • 1.  Communication issue between Linux and awsosa z/D&T

    Posted 3 days ago

    We have a communication issue between Linux and awsosa z/D&T.


    If we load one separate local  instance with awsosa and z/OS 2.1 ADCD Z21H, then everything works correctly, and pings to the z/OS address from Linux and back are successful:

    But if we use shared instance with shared awsosa and local member instance for z/OS, then we get the following problem:

    For local member instance:

    We also noticed that, unlike the previous version of z/D&T 13, there are no messages about the readiness of shared OSA devices in the local member instance log:

    • old system:

    • new system:

    • shared instance:

    • local member instance:

    And also the absence of shared OSA devices in the report of the awsstat command for the local member instance ( previously it was SuSE  and the z/D&T version 13.3) :

    • old system:
    • new system:

    Unfortunately, we cannot avoid using shared OSA due to issues with configuring multiple instances…


    Could you please have a look?

    Anatoli Kalbasin