TechXchange Conference Keynote: Innovation

When:  Sep 12, 2023 from 01:15 PM to 02:15 PM (PT)
Associated with  IBM TechXchange Group

Keynote Innovation Session: Are You Ready for the New Age of AI and Beyond?

Understanding where technology is going can give every enterprise technologist a leg up on the competition. Making the right bets means the difference between leading an industry and getting left behind. In this session, you will hear from a venture capitalist on where the hi-tech investment community is making bets in a fireside chat with TechXchange host Jason Gartner. Followed by, a fellow technologist, Ruchir Puri, Chief Scientist from IBM Research, who will introduce you to the IBM Technology Atlas. Drilling down on the AI roadmap in particular will help you guide the business decisions needed to bring a new era of performance and efficiency to your business. 

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Jason Gartner, GM, Technical Sales & Client Engineering, IBM

Richard Puri, IBM Fellow, Chief Scientist, IBM Research; Vice President, IBM Corporate Technology
