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Weekly update (#1/2022)

  • 1.  Weekly update (#1/2022)

    Posted Thu June 30, 2022 11:48 AM
    Edited by System Test Wed March 22, 2023 11:50 AM

    We are super excited to finally get our new Weather and Climate Community rolling. We're still in the middle of getting everything set up. However, we wanted to make a point of starting to share our progress from the get go. So I the spirit of "building in public," here goes:

    Over the past week:

    • Started in earnest to add content to the site (resources, events)
    • Held a community planning workshop
    • Encouraged everyone to complete their profile and add a picture (going great!)

    For next week:

    • Add more content
    • Finalize the initial site configuration
    • Meet with the Weather Channel team to discuss collaboration opportunities
    • Start inviting the first round of IBMers (extended community team and content contributors)

    If you have any feedback at this early stage, please let us know!

    Yool Park
    Product Manager
    Cambridge MA