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Introduce yourself!

  • 1.  Introduce yourself!

    Posted Wed July 13, 2022 01:13 PM
    Welcome to the new members who joined us in June! If you're new, please feel free to introduce yourself and tell us a bit about what brings you here.

    If you have any specific requests in terms of content, resources, events, or anything else, please let us know, and we'll try to make it happen. Thanks!

    Yool Park
    Product Manager
    Cambridge MA


  • 2.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Thu July 14, 2022 08:06 AM
    Edited by System Test Wed March 22, 2023 11:46 AM
    Hello! Welcome to the community! 

    I'm Scott Nogueira and I am the world wide practice lead for EIS and Aviation. My background is meteorology and I previous led a team of aviation meteorologists in charge of the products you see today in the aviation portfolio.

    I am located just south of Boston. I enjoy exercising and all things weather. The power of mother nature can be amazing.

    Scott Nogueira
    CS Practice Lead for EIS and Aviation
    Andover MA

  • 3.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Mon July 18, 2022 10:22 AM
    Scott is super, super knowledgeable about weather and aviation, and our rockstar Customer Success practice lead!

    Yool Park
    Product Manager
    Cambridge MA

  • 4.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Fri July 15, 2022 10:11 AM
    Hello everyone...

    I am Jason Shamroski, a technical sales rep focusing on AIOPS.

    I'm a little different in that I am a weather enthusiast that spent 5 years working with NOAA in support of the GOES-R weather satellite program - supporting the ground systems that managed the data coming from the satellites and ensuring its quality and availability. I've supported 3 launches of the R, S and T satellites.

    Jason Shamroski

  • 5.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Mon July 18, 2022 10:28 AM
    Hey Jason, welcome, and thank you for joining our community!
    It's fantastic to have someone with such expertise in weather satellites. As we're building out this platform, please let us know what you'd like to find in this community!

    Yool Park
    Product Manager
    Cambridge MA

  • 6.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Community Leadership
    Posted Tue July 19, 2022 02:18 PM
    Hello, everyone! My name is Tim Bonnemann, I'm part of the IBM Community team and excited to be assisting the Weather and Climate team over the coming weeks and months as they roll out their new community. If you have any questions regarding our community platform or any of its features and functionalities, please don't hesitate to get in touch or post a quick comment on the forum.

    Talking about the weather... It just so happens that I'm currently visiting family near beautiful Cologne, Germany. Just like all across Western Europe for the past few days, it's been quite hot today (at least relative to what we're used to over here). In fact, today was the hottest day of the year so far.

    Apple Weather Cologne Germany 20220719

    It's the main topic on the local and national evening news this week, with reports from across the country how the extreme weather is negatively affecting all areas of life – from agriculture, to local business, to public health, etc. –, and how the changing climate is expected to make things considerably worse over the coming years.

    Meanwhile, looking forward to slightly cooler temperatures later this week and lots of ice cream.

    Tim Bonnemann

  • 7.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Fri July 22, 2022 02:30 PM
    Wow, 102 F! After reading your message, I went to check out the Western Europe weather on the Interactive Map in the Environmental Intelligence Suite. Europe is 🔥😭. And it looks like the temperature will go above 30 C degrees again on Sunday and Monday in Cologne. The screen recording is posted in Library.

    Thanks for sharing, Tim, and hope you stay cool & safe over there (with lots and lots of ice cream)! 

    Yool Park
    Product Manager
    Cambridge MA

  • 8.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Fri July 22, 2022 11:41 AM
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Camila Brasiliense and new IBMer, so it means I'm learning a lot of things and very happy for that!
    I started in May/2022 and I work as a BDM for Weather Solutions in Latin America, living in Brazil (Sao Paulo).

    My background is meteorology and I used to work as a operational meteorologist for 10 years in Rio de Janeiro City Hall. Since 2020, I changed my careed to the sales department, working with the impact of meteorology in all industries. I have to confess I'm in love what we can do with meteorology and business! 

    In addition, like a real meteorologist I also love to observe the sky and thunderstorms.
    I'm a huge fan of traveling and visiting different places and cultures. 

    Thanks to all!
    Camila Brasiliense
    Bus. Dev. Weather Solutions LA
    São Paulo/Brazil

    Camila Brasiliense

  • 9.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Fri July 22, 2022 02:40 PM
    Hi Camila, welcome to IBM and the Weather Climate Community, and fantastic to meet you! We're building this community of, by, for the weather enthusiasts (just like yourself), so we're excited to have you in this community. I just have to ask -- What are some of your favorite weather events that you've seen?

    Yool Park
    Product Manager
    Cambridge MA

  • 10.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Fri July 22, 2022 02:46 PM
    Thanks a lot Yool!!

    Oooh, I do love the lightnings, they are amazing.
    And Brazil is the country with more lightnings in the world!!!!

    Camila Brasiliense

  • 11.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Fri July 22, 2022 05:01 PM

    I did not know that about Brazil! That's really cool. A quick Google search shows a report naming Brazil - the lightning capital of the world. ⚡️⚡️⚡️
    If there are any stories or pictures about weather you'd like to share, we'd love to see them in the community! I'm here if you need anything. 

    Yool Park
    Product Manager
    Cambridge MA

  • 12.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Tue July 26, 2022 12:01 PM
    I am Jeff Gawrych, a meteorologist and Senior Solutions Engineer on the IBM weather team.

    Brief background.
    - I live in Boulder, Colorado but am originally from California. 
    - I went to grad school in the SF Bay Area and focused on atmospheric dynamics. Did my graduate research at NASA Ames about dust storms on Mars, using remote sensing data and modeling to understand the growth rates of dust storms.
    - I worked in renewable energy development for 12 years prior to IBM

    Jeff Gawrych

  • 13.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Thu September 22, 2022 07:59 AM
    Dust storms on Mars and renewable energy development, that's very cool! Space weather seems like a recurring topic of interest, and renewable energy of course as well. We'd love to hear more about your research and your work prior to IBM!

    Yool Park
    Product Manager
    Cambridge MA

  • 14.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Fri August 05, 2022 09:11 AM
    Hello All,

    I'm Nicholas Servetas but most people call me Nick! I am a Solutions Engineer for our Aviation weather products. My background foundationally is in Meteorology but I also have a degree in Aviation Management from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Prior to stepping into this role I was an Operational Meteorologist on IBMs Meteorological Operations team or METOPs for short. I was responsible for monitoring all data that came in and out of the company. If there was any such issue I would remediate it or if I could not fix it then I had the task of paging the appropriate engineering team to fix at all times of the day! Additionally, we were responsible for pushing out many of the graphics you may see on our Aviation Weather portfolio i.e. Weather Fronts. Lastly, we did all the qc'ing of radar ensuring that our radar product was accurately depicting real versus false radar returns. If you watch your local news or have a mobile phone with the weather.com app downloaded on it chances are you have seen some of my work! 

    Today, I am located in sunny Tampa Florida. Outside of work you will either find me at the beach or pool, boating, hanging out with friends, hitting the gym, playing golf, or my favorite scuba diving.

    I look forward to the content we can share in this space and learning from each and every one of you. 

    All the Best,

    Nicholas Servetas

  • 15.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Thu September 22, 2022 09:30 AM
    Welcome to the Community, Nick! I envy you for living in sunny Tampa, especially on a cold rainy day like today in Boston. 
    I'm curious - how do you tell if one is a real radar or a false one?

    Yool Park
    Product Manager
    Cambridge MA

  • 16.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Thu September 22, 2022 09:23 PM

    Hey Nick, great to have a fellow Floridian. I'm over near Cocoa Beach. 

    Are you following Invest 98 in the Caribbean?

    Jason Shamroski

  • 17.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Fri September 23, 2022 09:22 AM
    Hi Jason,

    Yes I am watching it closely! There is a slack channel #hurricane_x if you are not already member that you should join. I was confident their would be a Gulf impact since Monday this week anywhere from New Orleans to FL and now my fear is we get a FL landfall near Tampa but still too early to pinpoint. Moving in to a new house Saturday so it will be interesting. Stay safe and pleasure to meet you! Nice to know their other IBMers here in FL too.


    Nicholas Servetas

  • 18.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Fri September 23, 2022 09:38 AM
    Hi Yool,

    When looking at radar there are several types of things we look for when trying to locate a false echo or in other words a radar scan that is depicting precipitation when in fact its not. For example things as small as insects when in large enough masses can trigger the radar to pick up on precipitation. One of the easiest ways to detect if its raining or not is by looking at a radar image return and seeing if their is any clouds associated with that "precip". If you see what looks like precip but there are no clouds associated with that area and its clear sunny spot you know right away its not rain. Another way is the behavior in which it moves. If you have some type of radar return moving the opposite direction of the predominant flow then this can be a tell tale sign as well. It also is about the correlation coefficient too which measures how uniform the features being observed on the radar are. Pure rain or snow should have a correlation coefficient close to 1. If it is not then likely its clutter that is not precip related and should be moved. I have attached some examples of false radar returns. I hope this helps.


    Nicholas Servetas

  • 19.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Thu September 29, 2022 01:58 PM
    Love this - thank you very much, Nick. Hope you're staying safe from the hurricane!

    Yool Park
    Product Manager
    Cambridge MA

  • 20.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Fri September 30, 2022 08:38 AM
    Nick, awesome explanation! Hopefully it gives others an inside look to a product that is so valuable and literally seen by hundreds of millions of people every day.

    Scott Nogueira
    CS Practice lead for EIS and Aviation
    Andover MA

  • 21.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Tue August 09, 2022 02:22 PM

    Hello everyone!

    My name is Elena Pison and I am a Solutions Architect working under the IBM weather team (Sustainability Software group).

    My background is physics
    with a master's in meteorology. For the past 14years, I've been working globally on analysing the impacts of severe weather on natural resources, agriculture as well as helping E&U companies and insurance clients incorporate weather + AI into their operations. I joined IBM around 4 years ago in the Tropical Singapore and then moved into the continental and much colder Canada about 2 years ago. 

    Passionate about learning different cultures and travelling, I was always amazed with all the interesting weather phenomena happening on this layer that separates from the outer space. 


  • 22.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Thu September 22, 2022 09:46 AM
    Thank you for the intro and welcome, Elena!  Physics + meteorology sound like a power science combination. And I love the way you described weather phenomena - this layer that separates from the outer space. It points out how special the weather phenomena are in the grand scheme of space. Could you share with us what about the weather phenomena is most intriguing to you?

    Yool Park
    Product Manager
    Cambridge MA

  • 23.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Mon October 03, 2022 09:17 AM
    Edited by System Test Wed March 22, 2023 11:54 AM
    Hello! I am Arianna Goldstein and am apart of the Metops team in Andover, MA. I currently live in Boston and love it! I started working for IBM in July of 2020 as a completely remote employee. Thankfully, I have gotten to go into the office this year and officially meet most of my coworkers. I am excited to possibly help organize or write some blogs for the Weather and Climate Groups.

    A little about me... I graduated from Florida State in 2020 with my Meteorology degree. You can always find me chasing a sunset, being outside, walking dogs, traveling, and baking.  

    Arianna Goldstein