Cloud Pak for Data

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My Objectives

  • 1.  My Objectives

    Posted Thu April 06, 2023 05:17 PM

    Hey data geeks, I'm Yvonne.  As a business leader, and as my training for DevOps Engineer continues to blossom I look to you for support, encouragement, and mentorship.

    I want to utilize IBM's Cloud Pak for Data for enterprise data analysis, and as a container management tool; adding modernization, optimization, and AI.  I'm interested in Cloud-Native applicationx, and a RHEL platform with an emphasis upon smart security technologies to enhance our operational objectives and goals.

    I also want to contribute to IBM's Cloud Pak for Data community by provisioning and sharing Cloud Pak for Data best practices, writing blogs, reading user case stories, speaking at local events, engaging and mobilizing with other community members to become empowered together as technology thought leaders, and active community participants.

    My goals are inclusive of building a Micro-service architectural storage container in a hybrid-multi-cloud eco-systen.  As we all know, IBM's Cloud Paks are a hybrid multi-cloud platform that facilitates container management, enterprise optimization, and modernization.  I'm working very hard to learn the appropriate platform(s); to digitally transform our organizational landscape and infrastructure,. Your knowledge, experience, and expertise is greatly appreciated.

    Your sister and thought leader,

    Yvonne R. McGinnis

    Yvonne R. McGinnis
    DevOps (hopeful), Systems Administration
    Obama Foundation, Chicago
    Chicago Cato, Illinois