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  • 1.  How to disconnect a DataStage Engine from Information Server Services layer?

    Posted Tue April 23, 2024 09:52 AM


    Some time ago I was asked to install a new DataStage engine in a cloud VM to an existing Information Server installation on premises. A few months ago the new engine was deemed not needed anymore and the cloud ops team deleted the VM without telling me, so I couldn't run the IIS uninstall program on the VM. Since then the Information Server service tier logs shows the following message every 5 minutes:

    00000170 AgentChecker  W   Handshake has not been established to the ASBAgent at vm-rhel-corporativo-produccion:31531 for over 4129617 seconds.

    Could you help me with a way to disconnect / remove an engine that doesn't exist anymore from the service layer?

    Best regards,

    Martin Medina

  • 2.  RE: How to disconnect a DataStage Engine from Information Server Services layer?
    Best Answer

    Posted Fri April 26, 2024 10:33 AM

    Hello Martin,
    It is possible that this technote can help you. Or perhaps there is a clue in the article?
    Unable to reinstall the Information Server DataStage engine tier after removing a previous installation

    Emily White

  • 3.  RE: How to disconnect a DataStage Engine from Information Server Services layer?

    Posted Fri April 26, 2024 10:41 AM

    Thanks Emily, I'll look into it.

    Martin Medina

  • 4.  RE: How to disconnect a DataStage Engine from Information Server Services layer?

    Posted Fri April 26, 2024 10:52 AM

    Hi again,
    That article posted earlier might be helpful (or not). Found a case in our archive from 2021 that has the following as the resolution.  Details may differ depending on if your WAS is Network Deployment (ND) or Liberty.

    - Go to /opt/IBM/(where InformationServer and WebSphere directories reside) and search for file.
    - Make sure all the found have the correct details(especially serviceName). If not, correct them.
    - Check /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer/conf/  file for correct details(especially serviceName). If not, correct them.
    - Run below command to correct property
     1. ./ setProperty -file ../conf/ -dbfile ../conf/
    - Run below command to confirm that property has got updated properly
     1. ./ getProperty -dbfile ../conf/
    - Update resources.xml file of Websphere Application Server to have correct serviceName in it. This file usually resides at below location.
    Make sure to take the backup of resources.xml file before editing.
    Search  for "serviceName" in it and make sure it has correct value. If not, correct it. Do it for all the occurrences of serviceName in resources.xml.

    Emily White