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Statistics with MDM

By GEETHA SRAVANTHI PULIPATY posted Sat October 13, 2018 05:04 AM

Product: Infosphere Master Data Management Advanced Edition

MDM statistics feature enables you to collect statistics about entities and transactions in MDM AE. This is done by integrating MDM AE with Kafka framework. Every time a transaction occurs on MDM(Add/Update/Get/Search/Split/Collapse/UndoCollapse) or entities get added/updated/deleted data gets published into Kafka topics. Zookeeper and Kafka servers need to be running for statistics feature to be available. Kafka stream processors listening to these kafka topics read and parse the message , aggregates the results in an hourly window and puts to kafka topics and from there collected statistical information gets persisted on MDM tables.

This information is specifically useful to see the state of MDM system at any point in time. For example MDM system had 1000 person entities in January but because new sources being added and with then now the number of person entities became 10000. Or if someone wants to see the number of updates happened from a particular source during a quarter all that information is available for customers now. A new transaction that is added to specifically serve this purpose is getStatistics. This transaction can be invoked with different input types for entity statistics and transaction statistics to be known.

More details about the entire statistics feature , its architecture and configuring or enabling it in MDM are available in this Knowledge center link.

IBM Stewardship center is also enhanced to view these statistics as a dashboard for all data stewards. Once a data steward logs in to Process Portal , they see a new dashboard now called Functional dashboard which provides five different graphs about recent changes that happened in MDM , total number of records across all entities in MDM , system activity i.e., number of transactions happened from each source during a certain time period etc.

More details about functional dashboard are available in Knowledge center link.

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