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  • 1.  Pulling DB2 image from icr.io super slow

    Posted 5 days ago


    I want to run the DB2 container on my local machine.

    Unfortunately the mirror that the image is hosted on (icr.io) is super slow.

    Is this a regional problem?

    Can someone try to run the following command and check if pulling is slow aswell?

    docker run icr.io/db2_community/db2

    Thank you very much,


    Michael Volz

  • 2.  RE: Pulling DB2 image from icr.io super slow

    IBM Champion
    Posted 4 days ago
    Edited by Gerhard Paulus 3 days ago

    Hi Michael,
    I had the same experience a few weeks ago. The pull of 11.5.8 is successfully completed within a few minutes via hub.docker.com.
    The pull of 11.5.9 via the IBM Container Registry took one or several hours.
    This is unacceptable and frustrating...

    I've already reported this to IBM through my channels.

    The idea of ​​bringing IBM Db2 to universities and students using Docker is great. But if a simple pull (size << 10Gb) is not successful in a few minutes, it's difficult to get Db2 to students/universities.

    Best regards

    Gerhard Paulus

  • 3.  RE: Pulling DB2 image from icr.io super slow

    Posted 15 hours ago

    Hi Gerhard,

    thank you for confirming the issue and reporting it through your IBM channels. 

    It's very unfortunate because we are starting a new project and I wanted to use the docker image for local development. 

    Hopefully IBM will do something about it.

    Best regards,

    Michael Volz