Db2 for z/OS & Db2ZAI

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  • 1.  Installing Data Studio 4.1.3 to Connect to DB2 for z/OS

    Posted Wed April 28, 2021 04:51 PM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:48 PM

    I'm working with a person who is having trouble with Data Studio V 4.1.3.  Data Studio installs but won't start and it gives her an error message at startup.  The error message starts with "Eclipse Java was started but returned an error code =-1073740791".

    Does anyone have a suggestion for this issue?  This is a Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit machine.

    Gloria Fries

  • 2.  RE: Installing Data Studio 4.1.3 to Connect to DB2 for z/OS

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu April 29, 2021 08:06 AM
    Hello Gloria,
    are you sure you have downloaded Data Studio 64-bit and not the 32-bit one? 
    The other thing you can check is the following:
    If you previously installed 32-bit products on your computer with a 32-bit version of Installation Manager, you must download the 32-bit version of the IBM Data Studio package because it includes a compatible 32-bit version of Installation Manager. You can then use the 32-bit package to install either a 32-bit or 64-bit version of the IBM Data Studio product.

    Hope this help.

    Chiara Baldan

  • 3.  RE: Installing Data Studio 4.1.3 to Connect to DB2 for z/OS

    Posted Wed May 05, 2021 04:24 PM
    Thanks for your reply.  The user finally got the problem straightened out.

    Gloria Fries

  • 4.  RE: Installing Data Studio 4.1.3 to Connect to DB2 for z/OS

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu April 29, 2021 11:44 PM

    On windows i have found it best to install only on the C drive in the default file location.   Program files/ibm/……

    When installing make sure to extract the files to the C drive first and then run the install as Windows Admin.  I have had issues when I try to use any other drive.

    Also make sure to install all fix packs. 4,3.1 has over 6 of them.

    When it starts up, it will ask for a default work space, here I recommend using a location that is easy to remember and backup.   Here if you get a new pc you can easy place the backup on it.  Thus not losing any work you have created.  

    Douglas Partch