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  • 1.  Duplicate DBSERVERALIAS

    Posted 8 days ago


    The Admin's Guide declares,

    Each database server across all of your associated networks must have a unique database server name.

    Nevertheless, our primary and RSS are sharing the same name in DBSERVERALIASES.

    What is a risk of having duplicate dbserver names?

    BTW, online.log is filled with messages,

    Registration of Connection Manager %s is rejected because its name is not unique.

    What a chance is it results from duplicate names?


  • 2.  RE: Duplicate DBSERVERALIAS

    IBM Champion
    Posted 8 days ago

    Either you are connecting via connection manager or by a floating DBSERVERNAME.
    Both is not compatible.
    Connection manager needs to have distinguished names of the connected engines and, for automatic failover
    a HA_ALIAS declaration, which points to the network based connection.
    You could also have a setup where a server name is shared and the IP is migrated from one server to another,
    and then the listener is activated, when the primary instance is losts. 
    This would be done without connection manager (manually or with support of an external tool like keepalived).
    But this behaviour is not compatible with connection manager.

    So what would be the purpose of the common DBSERVER name in a connection manager ruled environment ?



  • 3.  RE: Duplicate DBSERVERALIAS

    IBM Champion
    Posted 8 days ago


    As long as each server does not know about the duplicated connection name from the other servers in the cluster you are golden. So, just do not include that name in the SQLHOSTS files on the other servers, only on the local server's host about itself.


    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management Corp.

  • 4.  RE: Duplicate DBSERVERALIAS

    IBM Champion
    Posted 8 days ago

    If you are setting up connection manager I would also suggest you set USEALIASES=OFF, that way it won't look at the sqlhosts file for any additional listeners. 

    Thomas Beebe
    Vice President
    xDB Systems, Inc

  • 5.  RE: Duplicate DBSERVERALIAS

    Posted 8 days ago

    As we got down to Connection Manager, what is a reasonable value for WORKERS which defaults to 4? How can I decide that 4 is not enough?
