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  • 1.  DMC Service auto start option

    Posted Mon March 21, 2022 04:19 PM
    Has anyone enabled this script to start DMC service automatically when server reboot ?
    I was looking this option from DMC documentation, but could not find the script in the installed path  ?

    Scripts we are looking :



    Current DMC Version: Enterprise

    Krishna Uppalapati


  • 2.  RE: DMC Service auto start option

    Posted Tue March 22, 2022 09:06 AM
    Hi Krishna,
    Which operating system does your DMC install in? As the above doc, the autostart service feature is supported only on Mac operating system, so you could just to find the both scripts under bin folder in mac and windows (It also includes) operating system.


    fei fan

  • 3.  RE: DMC Service auto start option

    Posted Tue March 22, 2022 09:06 AM
    Hi Krishna,
    Which operating system  does your DMC install in? As the above doc mentioned, the autostart service feature is supported only on Mac operating system, so you can just find both scripts under bin folder in Mac and Windows (seem it also includes) operating system.


    fei fan

  • 4.  RE: DMC Service auto start option

    Posted Tue March 22, 2022 02:24 PM

    Operating System Information:

    OSName:   Linux
    NodeName: ah-1210136-001.sdi.corp.bankofamerica.com
    Version:  3
    Release:  10
    Machine:  x86_64
    Distros:  Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.9

    Krishna Uppalapati

  • 5.  RE: DMC Service auto start option

    Posted Tue March 22, 2022 08:56 PM
    HI Krishna,

    Thanks for your info, so the autostart service feature can not be supported in Linux operating system for now.


    fei fan

  • 6.  RE: DMC Service auto start option

    Posted 28 days ago


    Is autostart still not supported for linux (DMC 3.1.12) : https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/db2-data-mgr-console/3.1.x?topic=administering-autostarting-console


    Ivan Milojevic
    Comtrade System Integration

  • 7.  RE: DMC Service auto start option

    Posted 28 days ago

    Hello Ivan,

    The autostart is still not supported for Linux, and currently there are no plans to implement that feature, as there are no requests at IBM Aha! for that.

    My recommendation is to submit an idea at IBM Aha! and see if the product manager will consider this feature in a future release of DMC:


    However, you still have the option to add the DMC startup script command in one of the Linux startup processes, such as crontab or inetd for example.   You will need to check with your Operating System administrator which one would be the better option for your case.

    I hope that helps!

    Cintia Ogura

  • 8.  RE: DMC Service auto start option

    Posted 28 days ago

    Thank you Cintia!

    Ivan Milojevic
    Comtrade System Integration

  • 9.  RE: DMC Service auto start option

    Posted 23 days ago

    Why not use the systemd linux service? 

    Just create a script in /etc/systemd/system, e.g. 'dmconsole.service' :

    # ibm datamanagementconsole
    # Starts datamanagementconsole
    # Note: any customizations to this file will be lost the next time this is updated




    and enable the start at boot with:

    #sudo systemctl enable dmconsole.service

    Robert Falkenau