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  • 1.  DMC 3.1.11 - Kerberos setup - trusted domains

    Posted Mon October 23, 2023 12:36 PM

    I was hoping someone would be able to help lend a hand on what I'm missing in the documentation.

    Here is the scenario I have;

    a) DMC is on it's own server in domain D1 - the repository is on a different server

    b) DMC needs to talk to over 100 other domains as that is where our customer databases reside

    c) I'm trying to set up a Connection Profile in DMC for a database in domain D2.  I've tried securityMechanism=11 and I've tried Kerberos from the drop down menu and both come back with an error "DATABASE.Caught while using JAASLogin. See attached Throwable for details."  

    d) I still haven't found the logs that hold the error and there is no krb5.ini file anywhere on the system.

    e) This is Windows to Windows connections

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you 

    Freddie Callander

  • 2.  RE: DMC 3.1.11 - Kerberos setup - trusted domains

    Posted Thu November 02, 2023 01:43 PM

    I guess this is the same question as in post:

    I just updated the other post with instructions to turn on tracing for connections in DMC to get more details.

    Cintia Ogura