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  • 1.  DB2 v9.7 restore to DB v11.5

    Posted 7 days ago

    When I attempted to restore a DB2 9.7 backup image to DB2 v11.5 Community Edition, I encountered an error.
    "SQL2514N The RESTORE was not successful. The backup used to restore the database contained a database with a release number that is not compatible with the installed version of the database manager."

    I understand that I can't directly restore it to version 11.5. I have to upgrade it to an intermediate version. How can I download version DB2 11.1?Or is there any other way to do it?

    sruthin tk

  • 2.  RE: DB2 v9.7 restore to DB v11.5

    IBM Champion
    Posted 7 days ago
    1. V9.7 -> V10.5  (Backup/Restore);
    2. V10.5 -> V11.5 (backup/restore)


    1. Unload data from V9.7 (export or db2move);
    2. Run db2look to create script to re-create all db2 objects;
    3. run a/m script in V11.5 to create database and all objects;
    4. reload all data (import or LOAD).

    Jan Nelken

  • 3.  RE: DB2 v9.7 restore to DB v11.5

    Posted 7 days ago

    Try looking at Db2  load cusor , by connecting cursor remotely.  Remember to reset any sequence, indenity columns , etc


    Brian Walker

  • 4.  RE: DB2 v9.7 restore to DB v11.5

    IBM Champion
    Posted 7 days ago


    You should be able to download DB2 v10.5 (or v11.1) from the IBM Fix Central and install it with the 90-day trial licence (as there is no Community Edition for those older versions). That should give you more than enough time for the upgrade to v11.5.

    Hope that works for you.

    Damir Wilder

  • 5.  RE: DB2 v9.7 restore to DB v11.5

    Posted 4 days ago

    @Damir Wilder
    How we get the trail licene?

    sruthin tk

  • 6.  RE: DB2 v9.7 restore to DB v11.5

    IBM Champion
    Posted 4 days ago

    When you download Db2 V10.5 or V11.1 from  Fix Central - it comes with trial license for 90 days.

    Jan Nelken

  • 7.  RE: DB2 v9.7 restore to DB v11.5

    Posted 3 days ago

    My 2 cents...
    On the outside chance that you migrated from Db2 v8 to v9, you really should rebuild the database from scratch because the tablespace structures changed dramatically.

    Otherwise, I would suggest upgrading to v10.5, then v11.5. I've don't the database rebuild from scratch (v9.7 to v10.5 and using data replication between servers) and it can be a real pain if you don't have a simple database setup.  

    Douglas Kostelnik

  • 8.  RE: DB2 v9.7 restore to DB v11.5

    IBM Champion
    Posted 3 days ago

    Actually - adding my 0.02 $ CAD - most of the time (unless migrating from V11.x to V11.y (x <y)) - I would recommend rebuilding database(s) - one can catch some old artifacts no longer needed and review authorization/privileges to conform to current company security requirements ...

    Jan Nelken