version: '3.2'
image: ibmcom/db2:latest
- 50200:50000
privileged: true
- /containers/path0:/database
- LICENSE=accept
- DB2INST1_PASSWORD=apassword
- DBNAME=xldrepo
- SAMPLEDB=false
mode: replicated
replicas: 1
constraints: [node.role==worker]
I am attempting to deploy the db2 container above in a Docker Swarm Linux environment, but the instance fails to start.
(*) Remounting /database with suid...
mount: permission denied
(*) Nothing appears in the Db2 directory. will skip update/upgrade.
(*) Code level is the same. No update/upgrade needed.
DB2 State : Operable
DB2 has not been started
Starting DB2...
11/10/2020 14:01:30 0 0 SQL1042C An unexpected system error occurred.
SQL1032N No start database manager command was issued. SQLSTATE=57019
(*) User chose to create xldrepo database
(*) Creating database xldrepo ...
SQL0007N The statement was not processed because a character that is not
supported in SQL statements was included in the SQL statement. Invalid
character: "". Text preceding the invalid character: "<identifier>".
11/10/2020 14:02:31 0 0 SQL1042C An unexpected system error occurred.
SQL1032N No start database manager command was issued. SQLSTATE=57019
### Enabling LOGARCHMETH1
SQL0007N The statement was not processed because a character that is not
supported in SQL statements was included in the SQL statement. Invalid
character: "". Text preceding the invalid character: "<identifier>".
SQL1024N A database connection does not exist. SQLSTATE=08003
### Restarting DB2
11/10/2020 14:02:33 0 0 SQL1032N No start database manager command was issued.
SQL1032N No start database manager command was issued. SQLSTATE=57019
11/10/2020 14:03:33 0 0 SQL1042C An unexpected system error occurred.
SQL1032N No start database manager command was issued. SQLSTATE=57019
### Making backup directory and performing backup
SQL0007N The statement was not processed because a character that is not
supported in SQL statements was included in the SQL statement. Invalid
character: "". Text preceding the invalid character: "<identifier>".
(!) Failed to back up xldrepo database
(*) Applying autoconfiguration for instance ...
SQL0007N The statement was not processed because a character that is not
supported in SQL statements was included in the SQL statement. Invalid
character: "". Text preceding the invalid character: "<identifier>".
SQL1024N A database connection does not exist. SQLSTATE=08003
11/10/2020 14:03:36 0 0 SQL1032N No start database manager command was issued.
SQL1032N No start database manager command was issued. SQLSTATE=57019
11/10/2020 14:04:36 0 0 SQL1042C An unexpected system error occurred.
SQL1032N No start database manager command was issued. SQLSTATE=57019
(!) Failed to automatically configure xldrepo database
(*) Skipping TEXT_SEARCH setup for database xldrepo because TEXT_SEARCH is not configured for the instance ...
ssh-keygen: generating new host keys: RSA1 RSA DSA ECDSA ED25519
(*) All databases are now active.
(*) Setup has co