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  • 1.  DB2 community docker image fails on Apple Silicon with the latest MacOS 14.4.1 update

    Posted Thu March 28, 2024 01:56 PM

    I have a working docker-compose script for the latest icr.io/db2_community/db2: image. To be more precise, I had it until yesterday :-)
    I can correlate this only with upgrading to the latest MacOS 14.4.1 version on the M3 machine.

    To start with, I'd like to know if anyone has such a setup working with those exact versions.

    In the docker-compose output, there is no more than an indication that the creation of the database did not succeed:

    (*) Creating database MYDB ...
    db2luw  | SQL1032N  No start database manager command was issued.  SQLSTATE=57019

    My docker-compose.yml looks like this:

        build: ./db2luw
        image: my-image:0.0.1
        container_name: db2luw
          - "50008:50000"
        privileged: true
        platform: linux/amd64
          LICENSE: accept
          DBNAME: MYDB
          DB2CODEPAGE: 1208
          DB2CODESET: UTF-8
          DB2INST1_PASSWORD: password
          ARCHIVE_LOGS: false
          AUTOCONFIG: false
        restart: unless-stopped

    Referenced Dockerfile in the "build:" property is:

    FROM --platform=linux/amd64 icr.io/db2_community/db2:
    COPY ./scripts/ /var/custom/
    RUN chmod a+x /var/custom/*
    USER root

    The output in the docker-compose console is:

    db2luw  | (*) Previous setup has not been detected. Creating the users...
    db2luw  | (*) Creating users ...
    db2luw  | (*) Creating instance ...
    db2luw  | DB2 installation is being initialized.
    db2luw  |
    db2luw  |  Total number of tasks to be performed: 4
    db2luw  | Total estimated time for all tasks to be performed: 309 second(s)
    db2luw  |
    db2luw  | Task #1 start
    db2luw  | Description: Setting default global profile registry variables
    db2luw  | Estimated time 1 second(s)
    db2luw  | Task #1 end
    db2luw  |
    db2luw  | Task #2 start
    db2luw  | Description: Initializing instance list
    db2luw  | Estimated time 5 second(s)
    db2luw  | Task #2 end
    db2luw  |
    db2luw  | Task #3 start
    db2luw  | Description: Configuring DB2 instances
    db2luw  | Estimated time 300 second(s)
    db2luw  | Task #3 end
    db2luw  |
    db2luw  | Task #4 start
    db2luw  | Description: Updating global profile registry
    db2luw  | Estimated time 3 second(s)
    db2luw  | Task #4 end
    db2luw  |
    db2luw  | The execution completed successfully.
    db2luw  |
    db2luw  | For more information see the DB2 installation log at "/tmp/db2icrt.log.99".
    db2luw  | DBI1446I  The db2icrt command is running.
    db2luw  |
    db2luw  |
    db2luw  | DBI1070I  Program db2icrt completed successfully.
    db2luw  |
    db2luw  |
    db2luw  | (*) Fixing /etc/services file for DB2 ...
    db2luw  | 03/28/2024 17:42:13     0   0   SQL1032N  No start database manager command was issued.
    db2luw  | SQL1032N  No start database manager command was issued.  SQLSTATE=57019
    db2luw  | (*) Cataloging existing databases
    db2luw  | ls: cannot access '/database/data/db2inst1/NODE0000': No such file or directory
    db2luw  | (*) Applying Db2 license ...
    db2luw  |
    db2luw  | LIC1402I  License added successfully.
    db2luw  |
    db2luw  |
    db2luw  | LIC1426I  This product is now licensed for use as outlined in your License Agreement.  USE OF THE PRODUCT CONSTITUTES ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS OF THE IBM LICENSE AGREEMENT, LOCATED IN THE FOLLOWING DIRECTORY: "/opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/license/en_US.iso88591"
    db2luw  | (*) Saving the checksum of the current nodelock file ...
    db2luw  | (*) Updating DBM CFG parameters ...
    db2luw  | DB20000I  The UPDATE DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION command completed
    db2luw  | successfully.
    db2luw  | DB20000I  The UPDATE DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION command completed
    db2luw  | successfully.
    db2luw  | DB20000I  The UPDATE DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION command completed
    db2luw  | successfully.
    db2luw  | No Cgroup memory limit detected, instance memory will follow automatic tuning
    db2luw  | (*) Remounting /database with suid...
    db2luw  | (*) Nothing appears in the Db2 directory. will skip update/upgrade.
    db2luw  | (*) Code level is the same. No update/upgrade needed.
    db2luw  |
    db2luw  | DB2 State : Operable
    db2luw  | DB2 has not been started
    db2luw  | Starting DB2...
    db2luw  |
    db2luw  | 03/28/2024 17:42:48     0   0   SQL1063N  DB2START processing was successful.
    db2luw  | SQL1063N  DB2START processing was successful.
    db2luw  | (*) User chose to create MYDB database
    db2luw  | (*) Creating database MYDB ...
    db2luw  | SQL1032N  No start database manager command was issued.  SQLSTATE=57019             !!!!!! <------ ERROR is here
    db2luw  | (*) Log archiving will not be configured as ARCHIVE_LOGS has been set to false.
    db2luw  | (*) Instance and database will not be auto configured. AUTOCONFIG has been set to false.
    db2luw  | (*) Skipping TEXT_SEARCH setup for database DBEUP because TEXT_SEARCH is not configured for the instance ...
    db2luw  | ssh-keygen: generating new host keys: RSA DSA ECDSA ED25519
    db2luw  | (*) All databases are now active.
    db2luw  | (*) Setup has completed.


    Damir Murat

  • 2.  RE: DB2 community docker image fails on Apple Silicon with the latest MacOS 14.4.1 update

    Posted Tue April 02, 2024 12:57 PM

    I have exactly the same issue with image ibmcom/db2: after upgrading to macOS 14.4.1 on Apple Silicon(M2 Max).

    I could not find solution so far. Please post if you find one. Thanks.

    Alen Muza

  • 3.  RE: DB2 community docker image fails on Apple Silicon with the latest MacOS 14.4.1 update
    Best Answer

    Posted Tue May 14, 2024 05:24 AM

    With docker updated to v4.30.0 and "Use Rosetta for x86_64/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon" disabled in Docker settings everything is working again.

    Alen Muza

  • 4.  RE: DB2 community docker image fails on Apple Silicon with the latest MacOS 14.4.1 update

    Posted Tue May 14, 2024 08:46 AM

    I can confirm the same. It works.

    Thank you for the notification.

    Damir Murat

  • 5.  RE: DB2 community docker image fails on Apple Silicon with the latest MacOS 14.4.1 update

    Posted Thu May 23, 2024 04:47 PM

    Just a heads up... for me, it does not work again with the 14.5.0 MacOS update.

    Damir Murat