Db2 Tools for zOS

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  • 1.  Admin Tool panel display

    Posted Fri August 11, 2023 12:33 PM

    Hello Team, please advise on how to change the order of columns displayed in Admin Tool? For example, accessing Packages, to access certain columns, I need to shift right. How can I move a column left so that it appears on the first screen each time I access the panel. Also, can this be set per user? 

    Thanks in advance for feedback. 


    Ruben Thumbiran (Db2 DBA)

    Ruben Thumbiran

  • 2.  RE: Admin Tool panel display

    Posted Sun August 13, 2023 06:51 PM


    When in doubt <PF1>

    Bruce Williamson

  • 3.  RE: Admin Tool panel display

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon August 14, 2023 02:41 AM

    Hi Ruben,

    Unfortunately that is not supported out of the box. 

    Jørn Thyssen
    Principal Solutions Advisor
    Rocket Software