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Using RESTful APIs and micro-services to work with Db2

By Peter KOHLMANN posted Fri February 14, 2020 03:53 PM


The new Db2 Data Management Console is a free browser based user interface included with Db2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows. It's more than a graphical user interface to monitor, manage, run and optimize Db2. It is a set of open RESTful APIs and micro-services for Db2. 

Anything you can do in the user interface is also available through REST. You can also embed parts of the user interface into your own webpages, or Jupyter notebooks.

Check out this new article in the Db2 Console community: Using RESTful APIs and micro-services to work with Db2.

Graphing Rows Read per Minutes in a Jupyter Notebook
Graphing Rows Read

Embedding a Db2 Console micro-service UI in a Juypyter Notebook

