IBM Sterling Transformation Extender

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  • 1.  ITX and MQ Series

    Posted Tue April 16, 2024 02:28 PM


    Has someone in this group the experience with connecting multiple WTX instances (so same mappings but running on a different servers) that needs to process messages that are on the same MQ Queue ?


    Thomas Slaghmuylder

  • 2.  RE: ITX and MQ Series

    IBM Champion
    Posted 24 days ago

    You could try a single ITX instance reading your input queue (InQueue) and then generating copies on several additional queues (InQueue01, InQueue02, InQueue03, etc) with one for each ITX instance that needs to do actual mapping.

    Blob Typetrees would ensure the 'duplicator' map would run quickly.

    Paul Brett
    IBM Sterling Transformation Extender (ITX) Client Support

  • 3.  RE: ITX and MQ Series
    Best Answer

    Posted 23 days ago
      |   view attached

    Both File and MQ can participate in Cooperative Browsing if you use Launcher.  In the case of MQ, it will distribute the workload to multiple Launchers.  There is nothing you need to do on the ITX side to enable this feature.  Customer use it for High Availability.  See the attached powerpoint for more information.

    Rex Chan
