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Issue in reading IBM MQ headers in Java client

  • 1.  Issue in reading IBM MQ headers in Java client

    Posted Thu November 02, 2023 03:24 PM

    Im trying to put a message with some headers to a topic and get them using a java client. However, I am able to successfully put the message with headers, but unable to get the headers from the message. Here is the code I'm trying.

    Put to Topic

    MQMessage message = new MQMessage();
    MQDLH mqdlh = new MQDLH();
    mqdlh.setIntValue("Reason", 10);
    MQTM mqtm = new MQTM();
    MQHeaderList headerList = new MQHeaderList();
    MQPropertyDescriptor d = new MQPropertyDescriptor();
    d.version = MQPD_USER_CONTEXT;
     message.writeString("Your message payload");

    Get from Topic

    MQMessage msg = new MQMessage();
    MQGetMessageOptions gmo = new MQGetMessageOptions();
    gmo.options = MQGMO_WAIT;
    gmo.waitInterval = MQConstants.MQWI_UNLIMITED;
    topic.get(msg, gmo);
    MQHeaderIterator iterator = new MQHeaderIterator(msg);
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
              MQHeader header = iterator.nextHeader();

    The iterator always returns an empty result here. However, if I try to read headers one by one as follows, I'm able to successfully get them.

    MQDLH dlh = new MQDLH();
    System.out.println(new String(dlh.getDestQName()));

    I'm unable to understand the issue here and any help regarding this is much appreciated. Is there any configuration that I should give to make this work?

    Dilan Nayanajith