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Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

  • 1.  Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    Posted Mon April 01, 2024 03:49 PM

    Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great? 

    We've been reading where you're speaking and attending!  Thank you very much for your input!!

    @Libby Ingrassia and I were discussing some topics about a new article we want to compile about User Groups and we are curious about your opinions. Some of our colleagues recently attended the brand new IBM TechXchange NY/NJ Data and AI User Group, on March 21, 2024 hosted at the IBM Watson Building, Astor Place, New York. The event was well attended by individuals from many larger, well known banks, and comments ranged from those who loved the technical demos, to appreciating the opportunity to learn and network with peers. Of course, a big hit was the YETI tumblers given to those who joined the community.  

    I attended my first User Group last year at IDUG 2023 Philadelphia. What I loved most was meeting many of the IBM Champions for the first time. I also met some other great people like @Libby Ingrassia for the first time, even though I had worked with her for a few years. Oh! and I picked up some wonderful, and still very useful swag!! 

    Did you recently attend SHARE in Orlando? Are you tee'd up to go to IDUG or Common? How about a recent smaller regional User Group event? Are you thinking of starting your own User Group? Or are you hosting an upcoming User Group event soon? 

    Tell us what you think makes a User Group great: 

    • Is it about a specific speaker? Or a technical demo?
    • Is it all about the food? Or a great happy hour? 
    • Does it matter where and time of year? 
    • If you're starting your own, what are things you're planning to do to make it unique? 
    • Do you go for the entertainment like seeing @Darren Surch and @Dusty Rivers hugging a mainframe at the same time? :) 
      Darren and Dusty and the Mainframe

    Tell us what you think! :) 


    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 2.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue April 02, 2024 03:44 AM

    I think the question is what is the difference between a good and a great usergroup experience!?

    A good usergroup experience for me has two majn parts. First the technical content that has to fit my needs (less the speakers, more the topics) and second the possibility of connecting to peers, experts and friends.

    For a great usergroup experience it's all the "small things".
    The place, but only in regards of how the venue is spread out, space for networking etc ... doesn't need to be a beach resort or something ;-)
    The food ... coffee ... lots of coffee ;-)
    The time, if it fits my private and work schedule ... perfect
    The entertainment ... you always find a place to entertain yourself together with other usergroup members ... at least the hotel bar .. but if some events are provided that's even better
    The swag ... not really needed ... worst if the stuff is already broken before/when getting home ... having something special (best useful) as a souvenir is nice

    Sebastian Zok
    Senior Database Administrator
    Cancom Managed Services GmbH

  • 3.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    Posted Tue April 02, 2024 08:49 AM

    Thanks for your response! I'm with you on the coffee, @Sebastian Zok! To me, I will only take the swag if it's truly useful! I don't need another t-shirt. 

    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 4.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue April 02, 2024 06:36 AM

    I have only really been involved with one User Group, that being the IIUG (International Informix Users Group). IIUG is a "great user group". Why? 

    • We are a family in one sense. Most of us know each other by name even where we have not met in person and know faces.
    • As a group of product fanatics (just ask current and former Informix Product Management group folk about that) who are crazy about what is a minority or niche product at most of our organizations, despite Informix usually being mission critical, we have always had to fight for recognition. The IIUG and the support and cohesion among the IIUG membership is one reason we persist and a major reason that our organizations continue to use Informix.
    • Yes, when IIUG did in-person conferences, the networking and camaraderie were important as were the useful swag (heck we gave out insect repellent gel and bracelets during the sika virus panic) and access to Informix developers, support folk, and senior IBM Management. But it was the learning in sessions and the opportunities to share with other members that made these conferences work.
    • The IIUG newsletter, The Insider, keeps us all "in the know"!

    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management Corp.

  • 5.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    Posted Tue April 02, 2024 08:54 AM

    I love what you say about "family" @Art Kagel! What a great way of putting it. 
    I fully agree with 'useful' swag.  

    A newsletter is a great idea too! Keeping your colleagues up to date on what's happening is so important! 

    Thanks for your contributions! 


    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 6.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue April 02, 2024 11:51 AM

    Engaged users make great. There's no substitute. You can't drum up enthusiasm, it has to exists a priori or you have nothing.

    Jack Woehr

  • 7.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue April 02, 2024 12:01 PM

    I have attended SHARE for many year, my 1st was in 1978 and then regularly until the early 2000's before a break and have now attended the last 4. I also attended G.U.I.D.E. a few times and once GSE (late 1990's).

    The things that made them worthwhile for me were:

    1. Sessions, both technical and non-technical, that provided value to me personally and to my work
    2. Opportunities to meet other like minded attendees. 
      1. before and after sessions
      2. at planned events like the old SHARE SCIDS (of the many explanations for that acronym the one I like is SHARE Committee for Individual Discussion Sessions) where each SHARE project had a table with a mascot or sign and anyone in the ballroom, after getting their drink of course, could come by, sit, ask questions, etc. until the ballroom was closed.
    3. Ability to talk to speakers who are SME's after sessions to learn more
    4. Project/group dinners where the networking and comradery continued
      1. or just a few like minded individuals heading out to explore and find a good eatery (such as finding a great BBQ restaurant in Kansas City in August)
    5. Use take-aways such as quality handouts, used to be paper but now are downloadable PDFs, to help remind me of the sessions I attended (or missed)
    6. A trade show with vendors where one can find products that might be applicable back at the shop. The best are those with individuals who know their product technically and are not hard sell
    7. SWAG is a bonus, either from the conference or from the vendors. But it isn't critical to the success, or value, of the conference. 

    My $0.01 on the topic

    Lionel B. Dyck <><
    IBM z Systems Champion

  • 8.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue April 02, 2024 12:09 PM

    I forgot to mention the 'best' conference I attended was Comdex in the late 90's in Vegas - what made it special was I was part of Team OS/2 installing OS/2 on PC's for the various PC vendors who only had Windows on their display models - met a lot of great people that way. And during an IBM presentation I won an IBM Thinkpad - don't recall the name/model but it had a butterfly keyboard and came with OS/2 installed. Used that for many years.

    Lionel B. Dyck <><
    IBM z Systems Champion

  • 9.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    Posted Wed April 03, 2024 09:04 AM

    @Lionel Dyck This is great info! I like the idea of being able to speak with the presenters after sessions. So important! And yes, session material too. Thanks for your contribution to this thread! 

    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 10.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    Posted Wed April 03, 2024 03:20 AM

    I attended in my career quite solme user groups and for me it is all about the content in combination with the overall experience. The better the content, the bigger the value for you as a professional, hence it stimulates you to attend in the future. On the other hand, the overall experience, which is the combination of the location, food, networking possibilities etc..., that makes it extra worthwhile attending. Of course SWAG is always welcome :-) with some nice goodies that are usefull. 

    Best Regards
    Jean-Marie Smets
    Business Development Director
    Acumen Consulting

  • 11.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    Posted Wed April 03, 2024 09:09 AM

    Thanks for your comments @Jean-Marie Smets. Yes, the overall experience is key.

    You got me thinking how much the venue matters too - easy to travel (flights, parking, etc.), easy to find accommodation nearby (if necessary), and accessible for all.  

    Thanks again! 

    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 12.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed April 03, 2024 09:22 AM

    I always appreciate when the accommodations are adjacent or part of the meeting venue and having reasonably priced meal options in the venue or nearby.

    Lionel B. Dyck <><
    IBM z Systems Champion

  • 13.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed April 03, 2024 03:57 AM

    Being involved in running local user groups in Denmark I hear lots of reasons why people participate and what they find great.

    Meeting and networking with peers seem to be very common and a high priority.

    Seeing how other people are using the technology for various solutions and engaging in a more face to face talk about it.

    Discussing common challenges and best practices (technical or business) with peers.

    Deep dives into product features and functions are high on the agenda for the more technical-oriented participants.

    And if possible, having the venue at one of the participants' locations and getting a tour of their facilities (especially where some sort of physical production takes place) is definitely a bonus.

    The timing, length and frequency of the user group meetings are always up for discussion and there are mixed views.

    Working a lot with finance people we (try to) avoid year-end and month end closing and budget periods, but it is never easy to get it right as this varies from company to company and changes from year to year.

    We ask the user group for topics to be on the agenda to make sure the content is relevant and worth their time in order to meet the expectations of both businesspeople and technical people.

    Jesper Poulsen

  • 14.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    Posted Wed April 03, 2024 09:10 AM

    Active participation, relevant content, and supportive community interaction make a User Group experience great.

    John Michal

  • 15.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed April 03, 2024 09:15 AM

    Yes, it's really about the users themselves. If they are charged up, a way will be found.

    Jack Woehr

  • 16.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed April 03, 2024 11:10 AM
    Edited by Stephen Hume Wed April 03, 2024 11:54 AM

    Hello Kathryn, I have been a strong proponent of user groups, both for the business users and technical folks.  I wrote a Linkedin Article about this topic back in 2017...

    As well in 2017 I started a user group for IT professionals that support Maximo called "MaxTECH" it is still going strong and have over 1000 active members.  We hold at least two in person meetings each year, the next one will be running in conjunction with the Maximo Utility Working Group later this month in Chattanooga.

    Earlier on in my Maximo career, I had a supervisor who encouraged us to attend as many Maximo conferences/user groups as possible... with the one caveat that we had to do a presentation at the conference.  Great way to improve your public speaking skills and get out there to build a network.

    I also agree about SWAG being useful... I am wearing my Electra Learning Socks today and still use the BPD Zenith eyeglass cleaners almost every day.  This year we will be giving away a limited supply of Alberta Steak Spice at our booth.  Something every aspiring chef should enjoy.

    Stephen Hume

  • 17.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed April 03, 2024 11:16 AM

    Being required to give a presentation to be able to attend - what a great idea. In several of the companies that I've worked for a requirement for attending was to write up a trip report detailing what was learned - it couldn't be just a list of sessions or sessions and abstracts - it had to be something meaningful even if from only one session. That had to be shared with management and with the team. One supervisor I had required us to present what we learned at a team meeting.

    Lionel B. Dyck <><
    IBM z Systems Champion

  • 18.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed April 03, 2024 11:21 AM

    Lionel, I had forgotten about the "trip reports".. that same supervisor insisted we do trip reports and present what we learned at the conference to the team.  It was all worth the effort though.

    Stephen Hume

  • 19.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed April 03, 2024 12:31 PM

    Back in the day SHARE would have a session on how to write a trip report and how to justify returning to SHARE and becoming a volunteer. 

    Lionel B. Dyck <><
    IBM z Systems Champion

  • 20.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    Posted Wed April 03, 2024 02:21 PM

    Now that's a brilliant idea! I wonder why they stopped? Any theories? 

    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 21.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed April 03, 2024 02:27 PM

    Why they stopped - no clue. It's possible those doing it were no longer attending. Maybe Scott or Dusty can provide some insights.

    Lionel B. Dyck <><
    IBM z Systems Champion

  • 22.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu April 04, 2024 12:50 PM

    Networking.  100%.

    If you attend conferences with others from your organization, and you sit together, eat together, and only talk to each other, you're missing out tremendously.  Meet and talk to people from other organizations.  Learn how they are doing things differently or the same.

    I used to make this mistake in the past when my employer would send a few of us to a conference.  Get out there and make new connections!

    Steven Riedmueller
    Certified IBM i Admin
    Speaker, Mentor, and Advocate

  • 23.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon April 15, 2024 02:00 AM

    Steven, well said. I can only second everything you said. Getting out of one's comfort zone and start a conversation with someone you do not know at all is not always easy, but in almost every case it is 100% worth it!

    Matthias Tschaffler

  • 24.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    Posted Sun April 14, 2024 11:46 AM

    A good user group must be at least somewhat locally oriented. It is important that you can reach each other relatively quickly so that you can exchange information as often as possible. The exchange on the web is quite good, but many things can be clarified better in person. 

    Uwe Graf

  • 25.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon April 15, 2024 01:01 PM
    User Group activities are great and I agree with @Uwe Graf that they should be at least somewhat locally oriented in order to address some local/country specific issues, as well as bring in innovation and challenges from other regions perspectives.
    Offering sessions in local languages is another advantage of regional/local user groups.

    All the best, 

    Antonio Couto
    Sr. Technical Consultant
    Sao Paulo

  • 26.  RE: Tell us: What makes a User Group experience great?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue April 16, 2024 02:52 AM

    In terms of online meeting, I would like to say monthly meetings among user group leaders and liaisons can indeed foster a sense of community, collaboration, and support within the group. It helps to share their experiences, best practices, and innovative ideas with one another. Brainstorming sessions can help generate new strategies for engaging members, organizing events, and addressing challenges faced by the group. Interacting with fellow leaders on a regular basis can offer mutual support, encouragement, and motivation to stay active and engaged in their respective groups. Leaders can share successes, offer advice, and provide encouragement to one another, creating a supportive community of peers.  Leaders also can learn from each other's successes and failures, gaining new perspectives and ideas for enhancing their group's impact. Monthly meetings provide an opportunity to receive updates, share feedback, and ensure that everyone is working towards common goals and priorities.

    I think we need more interaction and motivations.

    Thanks, Kathryn, for the great question.


    Samira Gholizadeh
    Mechanical & Materials Scientist
    IBM Champions
    User group leader and liaison in Women in AI