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  • 1.  Share via email -> office365 setup (smtps url)

    Posted Thu December 29, 2022 01:48 PM
    I want to enable sharing via email, and have been able to activate the tab. The sending of an email is failing. The environment is using an office365 domain. I've an email connector which is working for a different application to send email. This connector is now also configured to accept the IP of the PAW server. I know that it has to use port 25, no ssl, and no tls (I know, not the best options).

    Does someone know how I should set up the smtps url exactly?

    edgar koster


  • 2.  RE: Share via email -> office365 setup (smtps url)

    Posted Tue January 03, 2023 12:39 AM
    Try the following - ensure you include a null value for SENDGRID_API_KEY:





    Paul Coggan

  • 3.  RE: Share via email -> office365 setup (smtps url)

    Posted Thu January 05, 2023 01:32 AM
    Thanks Paul.

    Haven't had luck to get it up yet. I'll see if I can change the level of logs, or see in the o365 logs if I can get the incomming request. Currently I'm following the information from this thread and the url bellow.

    edgar koster

  • 4.  RE: Share via email -> office365 setup (smtps url)

    Posted Tue January 10, 2023 03:57 AM
    I'm getting error 500 in wa proxy log. Strangely enough the body of the response is mentioning port 25, but the url is "smtps://USER:PASSWORD@SERVER:587?ignoreTLS=true"

    I know for a fact that the server is correct (it should also accept port 25 for I have a different app using that). I tried 25 too, no luck. I've enable the outbound port 25 and 587 in the firewall (azure server). I don't understand why the log mention port 25 if the port I use is 587 though

    Edgar Koster

  • 5.  RE: Share via email -> office365 setup (smtps url)

    Posted Wed January 11, 2023 02:01 AM

    Hi Edgar


    The port 25 is intended to use with standard, not secure protocol smtp.


    In case of newest and suggested to use secure protocol smtps the standard port is mentioned 587.


    So, I you would like to  use the 25 port, then you have to use smtp instead of smtps.


    Robert Klingiert

    Solutions Architect & Team Leader BI&ERP



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