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  • 1.  [QUESTION/SUGGESTION] Caption Display Preferences in Workbench

    Posted Wed July 24, 2024 08:19 AM

    Hi everyone,

    Is everything going well?

    Is there any way to change the display of captions in the workbench on Workspace? My team and I often miss the option to see the technical names of the objects, and the search box for items doesn't help much. :(

    If it's not currently possible, could we request an update or suggest this feature? I think it could be implemented in a way similar to the workspace preferences (as shown in the image below).

    It would be fantastic to have the ability to change the caption display in workbenches!

    Best regards

    João Caparroz

  • 2.  RE: [QUESTION/SUGGESTION] Caption Display Preferences in Workbench
    Best Answer

    Posted Thu July 25, 2024 08:23 AM

    Hi João,

    Not currently possible! We were thinking about adding a feature in PAW to set the language (independent of the current browser language).  This would be useful to help test localizations without opening a second browser set to a different language.

    We can consider an option on the tree to enable\disable the captions.  We will also thinking about adding tooltips to all objects in the database tree to show the non-captioned named of objects.

    Did you find the recent feature we added in the modeling workbench to set localized TM1 object names?  Helpful hint...create a subset called Default in the Cultures dimension with the languages you use.  This will limit the languages you see in the localization setting user interface.  

    Stuart King
    IBM Planning Analytics Offering Manager

  • 3.  RE: [QUESTION/SUGGESTION] Caption Display Preferences in Workbench

    Posted Thu July 25, 2024 08:41 AM

    Hi Stuart,

    This is awesome, if possible! The new features you mentioned will be great too. Thanks for sharing them with us.

    Regarding the hint, I'll consider testing these new features on our dev server.

    Thanks again for looking out for the community and helping with these questions!

    Best regards,

    João Caparroz