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Planning Analytics Q2 2024 Product Update Webinar - Questions and Responses

  • 1.  Planning Analytics Q2 2024 Product Update Webinar - Questions and Responses

    Community Leadership
    Posted Wed May 29, 2024 10:04 PM
    Edited by NICK PLOWDEN Wed May 29, 2024 10:13 PM



    On Demand Recording of Q2 Product Update

    1.  So the sync stuff is cool, especially the double-sync one that lets you do a range (super helpful for dates). Question though: is there a way to specify the initially-selected member from each of the subsets in a dynamic way?

    2.   2.  For example: say you have a Year_Month dimension in your cube, can you always have it so that the start month will be the current month (202405 for example), and the end month be current month plus 12 (so 202505)? So when you roll over to the next month (say this is driven by a control cube) the default selected members would update?

    3.   3.  Can we then now select 1 month, and show the month and its year to date month in the view ?

    4.   4.  Will customers have to install any Client software within their on-prem network environment to connect to PAoC via Satellite?

    5.  5.  If TM1 application is going away in PA 2.1, can you tell us what is the alternate way to create approval type workflow ?

    The Apps and Plans capability will be the go forward for workflow approval type workflow

    6.   6.  Important Announcement for the Planning Analytics on Cloud Rich Tier (Remote Desktop)

    Link to detailed blog post.

    7.   7.  Migrating from Secure Gateway to Satellite Connector

    Link to detailed blog post.

    8.   8.  Is there anything on the roadmap to offer a bit more control over the Responsive Grid feature for Explorations? For example, having separate settings for horizontal and vertical responsiveness to avoid situations where your rows subset might be smaller than the max rows setting and so the rows get super fat and look silly?

    9.      9.  For that button, is the context restricted to the specific user, or across all users who may be hitting the button at the same time?

    10.10.  Are they going to fix the process/rule editor TAB key behaviour so it stops indenting the entire selected line and starts behaving like every other application? And also either allow us to set the number of spaces the TAB key indents, or at least make it so that the TAB spacing is consistent between the rules editor (2 spaces) and process editor (4 spaces)?

    11.11.  When looking at threads in PAW, are you able to expand/contract the individual columns? for example, to see the verbiage in the 'Function' column, or to see the full user name

    12. 12.  With the removal of the rich tier will there be any impact to the use of PowerShell scripts on the cloud? I use them frequently to be able to send mail from TI processes.

    13.13.  Question unrelated to the presentation: is there any way to configure it so that the tm1s.log file and the timestamped versions thereof appear in for ex. a subfolder of the .\\Logs\\ (default logging folder) instead of the default logging folder?

    14.14.  Licensing differences/implications for PA 2.1, and how will that be applied to PAoC customers?

    15.15.  The Eod of support announcement for PA Local 2.0.x is a big announcement

    16.16.  When will Planning Analytics 2.1+ be available in IBM Cloud?

    17.17.  Can you give an update on the ability to synchronize across dimensions with elements that have the same names ?

    18.Can we then now select 1 month, and show the month and its year to date month in the view ?

    19.18.  How about horizontal scroll? I sometimes find hard to find it.

    20.19.  What is the max number of process that we can run in parallel?

    21.20.  Any plan to add confirmation dialogue to action button in PAW?

    Confirmation dialog when you run the process is optional, I sort of showed how you could enable/disable confirmation of each parameter

    22.21.  Can committed values be rolled back?

    yes, it's possible to rollback transactions as of the 2.0.95 release

    23.22.  How do you get to see the transaction log

    Transaction log viewer is in the modeling workbench

    Transaction log option is also available from the right click on the cube - it's filtering your transactions on the spot.

    24.23.  How does one get sight of transaction loh in Tab in on-prem

    Right click menu on the database in the modeling workbench

    25.24.  Any chance you are considering being able to open the transaction log from right-clicking on a cell?

    26.25.  Will the transaction log and rollback capability also be available in the AWS version?

    Yes, but not until TM1 v12.4 is released (which should be next month)

    27.26.  With the Cloud Rich Tier disappearing, what migration tools are available between PROD and DEV?

    Flie Manager will get files between environments

    You could always use the GIT feature. That is what it's designed for :)

    but we are working on another big File Manager enhancement that wlil allow you to move any files between environments on cloud

    28.28.  In previous PAW versions, the Share button was disabled in Applications and Plans. Now in 94, the Share button has returned to Applications and Plans. Are there any options to disable this Share button from appearing to end users?

    we can add an plan wide option to disable the share button

    I think we should also build that option for books as well (a book property to remove the share button)

    29.  Can I insert Universal Rpt columns that pull data from a different cube?

    you call pull across cubes by embedding tm1val functions as custom formulas (as if any other formula), otherwise ur's peacefully coexist alongside each other, can be mixed/share aspects of their definitions

    more we'll do there, but many things already possible

    part of our roadmap is to make some of these more sophisticated usages 'easier' to take advantage of.

    Nick Plowden
    AI Community Engagement

  • 2.  RE: Planning Analytics Q2 2024 Product Update Webinar - Questions and Responses

    Community Leadership
    Posted 23 days ago

    Reach out to me for any additional questions.

    Nick Plowden
    AI Community Engagement