Planning Analytics

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  • 1.  PAFE 2.0.96/2.1.3 have been removed

    Posted 15 days ago
    Edited by Matthias Mazaj 15 days ago

    Hello everyone,

    I just want to make this post to inform you about the (silent) removal of PAFE 2.0.96/2.1.3 by IBM, since IBM did not issue any blog/news/mail, and we had to get the information through support.

    If you haven't been using PAFE 2.0.96/2.1.3 this probably won't concern you. If you have then please be aware that these version (which released in the later half of May) are no longer available for download, are no longer listed in the "What's new" page in the documentation and the webpages to the release notes have been removed.

    From IBM support I have received the following information about this:

    "It's look like the PAX 96 was removed from download as there is a a know issue with this version

    IBM has become aware that a TI Process fails to execute in websheets when using the new Planning Analytics for Excel Action Button in IBM Planning Analytics for Spreadsheet Services. This issue impacts Planning Analytics for Excel version 2.0.96, when a publish is executed and the asset contains an action button.

    IBM recommends that all Planning Analytics users remove the IBM_PAfE_x64_2.0.96.12.xll and IBM_PAfE_x86_2.0.96.12.xll files from their system. Planning Analytics for Excel 2.0.97 will be released soon to address this issue, we suggest users continue using PAfE 2.0.95 until the release of 2.0.97"

    As well as:

    "To my knowledge there is no blog or alert available.

    The recommendation from us is what Marcin has already provided. It is my understanding that if you are not using the new PAFE Action button in PASS then you will not hit the discovered concern.

    IBM recommends that all Planning Analytics users remove the IBM_PAfE_x64_2.0.96.12.xll and IBM_PAfE_x86_2.0.96.12.xll files from their system. Planning Analytics for Excel 2.0.97 will be released soon to address this issue.

    Your next steps will be to upgrade to PAfE 2.0.97 once available."

    BR, Matthias

    Matthias Mazaj
    PM Factory

  • 2.  RE: PAFE 2.0.96/2.1.3 have been removed

    Posted 15 days ago

    Hi Matthias, thank you for your post, it triggered an investigation on our end.  It is always our intention to inform impacted customers of any issue that requires intervention or a pause on downloads.  In this case, since the posted product was only available for a short timeframe we decided to inform the small number of customers directly with an e-mail describing the issue and resolution.   Due to a system process error that message was not delivered.   We will be sending this out shortly. 

    I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

    Alain Cousineau

    Program Director, Engineering, Quality and Delivery Group

    IBM Business Analytics

    Alain Cousineau