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PA 2.1 Deprecation "TM1 Applications"

  • 1.  PA 2.1 Deprecation "TM1 Applications"

    Posted 18 days ago

    Looking for clarification on the depreciation notice, "TM1 Applications"  Deprecated features in IBM Planning Analytics Local 2.1

    Is this that there won't be the "Applications" in Perspectives/Architect, but will still have the folder structure availability in PAFE for publishing, or is this what was formerly known as contributor? 

    Ibm remove preview
    Deprecated features in IBM Planning Analytics Local 2.1
    Before upgrading to Planning Analytics Local, review this listing of deprecated features and capabilities to determine the impact on your model.
    View this on Ibm >

    Ryan S

  • 2.  RE: PA 2.1 Deprecation "TM1 Applications"

    IBM Champion
    Posted 17 days ago
    Edited by Emil Malmberg Fosdal 17 days ago

    Hi Ryan,

    I understand the confusion. TM1 Applications, are web based workflows that where created using TM1 Performance Modeler. In Architect/Perspectives, there where also a folder structure called "Application" which is a different feature. Basically just a folder structure. 

    TM1 Applications will be completely gone. A folder structure can still be created for uploading Excel reports. In PAW/PAfE the entry is called "Websheets" and not Applications. That will still be availible.

    Note that the folders can only be used for websheets, where Architect/Perspectives could have references to views and processes as well.

    So what you have in PAW/PAfE today, will still be there on v2.1.x

    Emil Malmberg Fosdal
    Solution Architect
    CogniTech A/S

  • 3.  RE: PA 2.1 Deprecation "TM1 Applications"

    Posted 17 days ago

    Thanks Emil!

    Ryan Sinclair

  • 4.  RE: PA 2.1 Deprecation "TM1 Applications"

    Posted 17 days ago

    Hi Emil,

    I've just had confirmation from IBM support that there is no intention to shutdown "Application Web", we will however loose the ability to administrate the models through Performance Modeller.

    So whilst not be able to "deploy" new models, we will still be able to change our workflow subsets and responsibility etc.

    Julian Sedgewick

  • 5.  RE: PA 2.1 Deprecation "TM1 Applications"

    IBM Champion
    Posted 16 days ago
    Edited by Emil Malmberg Fosdal 16 days ago

    Hi Julian

    Unfortunately, there must have been some misunderstanding between you and IBM Support. 

    Planning Analytics Local 2.1 does not included support for rich tier components, including TM1 applications, which is stated in the depriciation note linked above.

    Could your ticket be regarding the removal of access to the rich tier clients via rdp on PA on Cloud, and not 2.1 local? 

    Emil Malmberg Fosdal
    Solution Architect
    CogniTech A/S

  • 6.  RE: PA 2.1 Deprecation "TM1 Applications"

    Posted 16 days ago

    Hi Emil,

    Thank you for your quick reply, as you can imagine its causing quite a panic insofar as a non rich tier service is being withdrawn without anything to replace it at the moment.   

    We only use cloud.

    I think what may be causing the confusion is that the pmpsvc service does not run in the rich tier but the deployment method Performance Modeler does.

    For the sake of clarity, here is the last entry from IBM on ticket TS016115912:

    "There is no intention to remove the Application Web. Please note that with the removal of Performance Modeler, there will be no possibility of making changes to any application if such need arise."

    Applications and Plans is the designated replacement for TM1 Applications. However, there won't be a direct migration path from the existing product. The replacement will be implemented within the context of a new product offering.

    In light of what has been said I have asked for further information.

    Julian Sedgewick

  • 7.  RE: PA 2.1 Deprecation "TM1 Applications"

    IBM Champion
    Posted 16 days ago

    Hi Julian,

    That makes sense. PA on Cloud is deployed on 2.0.x, and the depreciation is happening in version 2.1.x. I'm not sure 2.1.x is even available for cloud deployments yet.

    Emil Malmberg Fosdal
    Solution Architect
    CogniTech A/S

  • 8.  RE: PA 2.1 Deprecation "TM1 Applications"
    Best Answer

    Posted 16 days ago

    Hi All,

    Planning Analytics on Cloud really is not Planning Analytics 2.0.9 or 2.1.  It is it's own product with it's own support lifecycle.  The support lifecycle of Planning Analytics Local releases does not impact what we support in our SaaS offering.

    That being said, our strategy on-premises and in our SaaS offerings is to move workflow capabilities into Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW).  There are many reasons why we are moving workflow capabilities into PAW.  For example, PAW is more scalable than TM1 Applications (pmpsvc).  PAW also supports non-admin users creating and managing workflows.  In TM1 Applications only the Admin in the TM1 database can create and manage a workflow (application).

    It's important to understand that when the rich tier is removed from Planning Analytics on Cloud environments that applications deployed in TM1 Applications (the pmpsvc web service) can no longer be updated.  Although the TM1 Applications (pmpsvc service) may still exist and be accessible, it will be removed on the next update to the web tier system.  The web tier system (system with TM1Web and TM1 Applications) is updated at the same time that the TM1 database is updated.  Customers that are requesting an update to either TM1 Server or TM1Web will be reminded that TM1 Applications will be removed as part of the update.  

    Julian, if you are still using TM1 Applications (pmpsvc) on Planning Analytics on Cloud please reach out to me directly (  We should determine if you can move your existing workflows to the Plans feature in PAW.  There are a number of important very near term enhancements coming to Plans in PAW that will be familiar to users of TM1 Applications.

    Note that the rich tier removal does not impact TM1Web and you will continue to see the 'Applications' folder in TM1Web with all of your Websheets.  

    Stuart King
    IBM Planning Analytics Offering Manager

  • 9.  RE: PA 2.1 Deprecation "TM1 Applications"

    Posted 11 days ago

    Hi Stuart,

    Thank you for the information,  I will reach out to you directly.

    We have active Application Web (PMPSVC) models in production, so we were glad that this part will not be withdrawn in it's entirety.


    Julian Sedgewick

  • 10.  RE: PA 2.1 Deprecation "TM1 Applications"

    Posted 10 days ago

    Hi Stuart,

    This is slightly comforting to know Application Web (PMPSVC) will be available post rich tier removal as we have an complex journal model which utilise the workflow. 



    Skina Nazir

  • 11.  RE: PA 2.1 Deprecation "TM1 Applications"

    Posted 10 days ago

    Hi Skina,

    I think you missed the important detail in my previous response.

    It's important to understand that when the rich tier is removed from Planning Analytics on Cloud environments that applications deployed in TM1 Applications (the pmpsvc web service) can no longer be updated.  Although the TM1 Applications (pmpsvc service) may still exist and be accessible, it will be removed on the next update to the web tier system.  The web tier system (system with TM1Web and TM1 Applications) is updated at the same time that the TM1 database is updated.  Customers that are requesting an update to either TM1 Server or TM1Web will be reminded that TM1 Applications will be removed as part of the update.  

    I'm stating that you cannot depend on the TM1 Applications (pmpsvc) being accessible and usable once the rich tier is removed.   

    Stuart King
    IBM Planning Analytics Offering Manager

  • 12.  RE: PA 2.1 Deprecation "TM1 Applications"

    Posted 10 days ago

    IBM must ensure that the Application Web functionality is fully available in workspace and client is able to transition over to workspace with minimal disruption to business as usual,  otherwise we will continue to use Application Web. I would assume many others would as well. 

    Skina Nazir

  • 13.  RE: PA 2.1 Deprecation "TM1 Applications"

    Posted 9 days ago

    Hi Stuart,

    For the Applications folder structure within Architect/Perspectives/PAFE, where will updates to the folder structure occur after deprecation?  I usually make folder changes in Architect.  I don't see a way to do this in PAW Workbench or in PAFE.  Will this be added to allow creation of new folders and maintaining the folder structure?

    Terry Hamlet

  • 14.  RE: PA 2.1 Deprecation "TM1 Applications"

    Posted 9 days ago

    Hi Terry

    You can update the 'Applications' folder structure in Planning Analytics for Excel.  The 'Open' button in the ribbon is used to access the folder structure.  There are buttons to create, delete, and rename folders.  Let me know if there is something I'm missing.  I believe the }ApplicationSecurity cube can be updated in Workspace modeling to set security (this might be an area we need to improve).

    One important note, after Architect and Perspectives is removed there will be no way to add shortcuts to views, processes, and upload documented to the  Applications folder.  You may have noticed that the Applications folder was renamed to Websheets in Workspace and we filter out objects other than Websheets in Workspace.  Views, TI processes, and other objects can be made available through Workspace books.  Our content strategy is based on using Workspace to store, manage, and secure content (instead of using TM1's Applications folder).

    Stuart King
    IBM Planning Analytics Offering Manager

  • 15.  RE: PA 2.1 Deprecation "TM1 Applications"

    Posted 9 days ago

    Hi Stuart,

    Thanks for the response.  Yes, we currently use the application folder structure for a mix of views and processes.  It helps guides the users on which TI are associated with which websheets.  I see the long-term strategy for this just to be websheets, which I assume means we should migrate this functionality to application and plans.  Unfortunately, most of our clients have budget cycles at the end of Q3, so the deprecation period makes it very difficult to recreate these functionalities that are going away during the budget cycle.

    I do now see the ability in PAFE to create new folders.  That works.  If we need to move a websheet we can open and resave elsewhere, then delete from the original spot.  

    Best Regards

    Terry Hamlet

    Terry Hamlet