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End of Rich Tier - Perspective print fonctionality

  • 1.  End of Rich Tier - Perspective print fonctionality

    Posted Tue June 04, 2024 02:16 AM


    Several of my customers (in Saas Cloud) use the rich tier client and perspective in the way to generate several excel files using the "Print report" function.

    Whith this feature, no less than 45 excel files are generated, (snapshot) which are then sent to users, who enter their data and return their file. file, are after manually transformed into csv and then ingested by an IT process. (remember, TI can't read xlsx file, only tabular !!)
    Without the rich tier client, I don't see how they're going to do it, since PAFE is still lagging behind in terms of functionality and even exporting through workspace or tm1web can only generate a single file with dozens of tabs.

    Philippe CHAMPLEBOUX

  • 2.  RE: End of Rich Tier - Perspective print fonctionality

    Posted Tue June 04, 2024 08:57 AM

    Hi Philippe,

    We're planning to have the csv extract from the cube views that is going to be released this summer.

    The plans could be assigned to the users to submit data.

    Would this flow work?

    Best regards,

    Svetlana Pestsova
    IBM Planning Analytics Product Manager

  • 3.  RE: End of Rich Tier - Perspective print fonctionality

    Posted Tue June 04, 2024 09:50 AM

    Hi Svetlana,

    Thank for your answer.

    My english understanding is very bad (as lot french people) but If I understand what you said, I can't be agree.

    With Perspective, we use a complex active form ( tm1rptrow, formulas, dbra, asymetric column, etc ....)

    With this active form whe generate aproximativly 40  excel (snapshot) file with different pov, One POV for each recipient people.

    The recipient people aren't under PA license and never connect to PA, they manually input into excel file and, after update, send by email  their excel file to a manager people ( wich convert to csv and run a TI Process) .

    In fact the Perspective Feature "Print report" is needed  (in Pafe ?) even after the "end of rich tier client".

    Kind regards,


    Philippe CHAMPLEBOUX