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  • 1.  Dashboard Drill Through Passing Dates

    Posted Wed December 05, 2018 09:34 AM

    I am working on a dashboard with a date filter.  The dashboard should drill-through to a report while passing the date range as a parameter.  It seems the dashboard is not passing through a date range as it's only passing two dates comma separated.  Does anyone know how can I accomplish passing a range or a workaround to handle this?


    Jeremy Aude


  • 2.  RE: Dashboard Drill Through Passing Dates
    Best Answer

    Posted Tue December 11, 2018 05:39 PM
    Solved by using an in_range filter on the report.

    Jeremy Aude

  • 3.  RE: Dashboard Drill Through Passing Dates

    Posted Mon October 07, 2019 08:59 AM
    Hi Jeremy , just a question related your issue,

    did you were able to catch if the user selected before, after or not between option in the target report? im also able to filter the date using in_range , but doesn't works properly when you select another option, ex if you select before 2019/01/10 in the target will use the date selected in this case 2019/01/10 downwards ... and i would like to go only before the date selected, also if you select not between , that option is not being send to the target.


  • 4.  RE: Dashboard Drill Through Passing Dates

    Posted Tue October 08, 2019 10:01 AM
    Hi Gary,

    This is one of the more frustrating tickets I had with IBM.  We were never able to do both in_range and not in_range with the same report.  IBM stood their ground that this was not a bug and working as intended.  Due to higher priority defects we addressed this deficiency through training materials.

    Jeremy Aude
    Channell Commercial Corporation
    Rockwall TX

  • 5.  RE: Dashboard Drill Through Passing Dates

    Posted Thu April 09, 2020 12:01 AM
    Hi Jeremy,

    Could you please suggest how you used in_range function in target report filter. When i am trying dashboard is passing date range as '2020-03-01 , 2020-03-31'  as comma separated and not able to get data in target report using in_range filter.

    Appreciate your help!


    Smitha Nair

  • 6.  RE: Dashboard Drill Through Passing Dates

    Posted Thu January 28, 2021 06:30 AM

    Myself also looking for details on how to pass how to pass the date range from the Dashboard Filter to Drill through Report (before, Between, after etc).  Where there any further enhanced way how to do this on Cognos Analytics Dashboard? 

    Apologies for picking old thread, but I felt the issue/topic is related.


    Chandrashekhara Kundadka

  • 7.  RE: Dashboard Drill Through Passing Dates

    Posted Thu January 28, 2021 10:46 AM
    On dashboard side keeps normal just setting the drill through to the target, on target report suppose you have a list report... you will need to add 3 list reports linked to three different queries, on each query 

    queries:as you can see one query is only to show when the user selects between, another query when the user selects after and another for before,

    FOR BETWEEN query you have to set the filter of this way: cast([Presentation View].[CMPA Data].[Report Period],date) in_range ?Report Period?

    FOR BEFORE query you have to set the filter of this way: _add_days (cast([Presentation View].[CMPA Data].[Report Period],date),1) in_range ?Report Period?

    FOR AFTER query you have to set the filter of this way: _add_days(cast([Presentation View].[CMPA Data].[Report Period],date),-1) in_range ?Report Period?

    finally the magic trick here is based a conditional variable we will filter the section according what the user selected in the dashboard(source)

    if(ParamDisplayValue('Report Period') is not null) then
    when (substring (ParamDisplayValue('Report Period'),1,1) = 'B' ) then ('Between')
    when (substring (ParamDisplayValue('Report Period'),1,1) = 'G') then ('After')
    when (substring (ParamDisplayValue('Report Period'),1,1) = 'L') then ('Before')
    else ('ALL')

    once the variable is created you will set this variable on each list ex: setting the variable in the lista which is linked to the between selection:

    hope this help.


  • 8.  RE: Dashboard Drill Through Passing Dates

    Posted 30 days ago

    Hi Gary,

    I'm not sure how this will be interpreted: substring(ParamDisplayValue('Report Period'),1,1) = 'B'. Typically, if "Before" is the chosen criterion on the dashboard, the 'Report Period' will be a single date without any prefix.

    Am I missing something?

    Loyapally Ranjith