Planning Analytics

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  • 1.  Ask-Me-Anything: Planning Analytics – June edition webinar

    Posted Wed May 15, 2024 02:51 PM
    Edited by Portia Melita 22 days ago


    Modeling, budgeting, forecasting, reporting, and multidimensional  analysis-there's a lot you can do with IBM Planning Analytics. Chances  are you're just scratching the surface. And what about support for  generative AI?

    Join us live for our monthly "Ask-Me-Anything"  session, designed to answer all of your burning IBM Planning Analytics  questions from product roadmap to upgrades, hosted by our Product Management team.

    • Get the latest news on new features and enhancements
    • Connect with the Product Management team 
    • Learn tips and tricks to optimize your experience

    Please join us in this on-demand recording. Please share any questions by clicking on the Reply button. If you have not done so already, register to watch here.

    Michael McGeein

  • 2.  RE: Ask-Me-Anything: Planning Analytics – June edition webinar

    Community Leadership
    Posted Wed May 22, 2024 09:58 AM

    You can add any questions that you would like the product management team to respond to in the chat.

    Nick Plowden
    AI Community Engagement

  • 3.  RE: Ask-Me-Anything: Planning Analytics – June edition webinar

    Posted 24 days ago
    Edited by John O'Leary 22 days ago

    1) Powershell scripts for PAW on Windows are not signed. Our IT disable the running of unsigned Powershell Scripts and seem to think it is a reasonable expectation that IBM would sign them. IBM 's position on this?

    2) Will Server 12 on local release unused memory back to Windows or is the memory optimisation only for the container version of the database?

    John O'Leary

  • 4.  RE: Ask-Me-Anything: Planning Analytics – June edition webinar

    Posted 21 days ago

    Thanks for taking the questions. Here are my expansions as requested:

    1) Powershell scripts for PAW on Windows: The scenario is:

    Our IT says that Powershell scripts are commonly accepted as a vulnerability/ source of exposure. In terms of the impact of disabling non signed scripts.

    a) Install / Upgrade

    When we perform an install/upgrade we have to request IT to temporarily enable the running Powershell Scripts and then when complete they disable it. So this is a bit of a pain but we can live with it. 

    b) Regular operations

    Because running of Powershell scripts is disabled we cannot execute any of the standard scripts which means we cannot start or stop PAW at will (eg: We may want a graceful shutdown), we cannot run the Admin script to check/restart the services c) we cannot run a backup of the PAW content (Of course ideally we would want to schedule this)

    I hope this clarifies the situation. Our current IBM business partner (And prior one) didn't appear to have come across the restriction policy but our IT are quite surprised about this. 

    2) TM1 Server 12 on local (Windows): releasing memory

    My understanding of the 2 main changes of PAE (AKA cloud instance of Server 12) were:

    a) Failover support (It has been mentioned previously that this is tied to containers and hence will not be in the Server 12 local version

    b) Improved memory management. As we know, TM1 has always been a memory hog (Standard practise is to perform a weekly shutdown to clear out the memory) and I was of the understanding that this issue was addressed in PAE. Perhaps my understanding was wrong. But I guess the question is whether we should see the memory hog issue be addressed in Server 12 local.

    Thanks again, these sessions are always informative.

    John O'Leary

  • 5.  RE: Ask-Me-Anything: Planning Analytics – June edition webinar

    Posted 24 days ago
    In PAW version 96, the "Automatic row header width" feature was introduced, allowing us to lock the row header column widths. Could we also get a similar feature to lock the column header height?

    Mario Hasler

  • 6.  RE: Ask-Me-Anything: Planning Analytics – June edition webinar

    Posted 23 days ago


    When will possible to lock the columns headers when we scroll down the exploration (like Freeze Panes in the Excel)?

    Viviane Dorsa
    Head of Alliances

  • 7.  RE: Ask-Me-Anything: Planning Analytics – June edition webinar

    Posted 23 days ago

    Greetings from Australia!  Unfortunately I will be unable to attend the webinar.  I have an issue with the TM1Set function in Excel which renders Universal Reports practically unusable for our end users.  Via a support ticket recently, I found that TM1Set does not work when used with a dimension that has a '-' in the name of elements or attributes .  I was told by IBM Support that a previous ticket had been raised on this issue (PH59339 MDX ERROR WHEN CREATING UNIVERSAL REPORT DUE TO SPECIAL CHARACTER IN ALIAS) and was rejected by the development team quoting this documentation... TM1 object naming conventions - IBM Documentation   However this document refers specifically to the '-' being the first character of a member name... 

    Element names and MDX expressions

    Do not use + or - as the first character of an element name. Although only the first element in a subset when slicing to active form cannot use + or - as the first character in the element name, it is a good practice to never use + or - as the first character of an element name.

    In IBM's own sample model 'Planning Sample' the 'plan_time' dimension has members with '-' characters, as I'm sure every other client has that uses a time dimension, with either members or alias' in the format MM-YYYY or some other region specific format.

    I believe this issue should be looked at again, as using these members in any other UI does not create an issue.  

    If we manually create the time set for the MDX statement there is no issue, as expected, but using the Universal Reports menu item to automatically generate the report always fails for the abovementioned reason, and 98% of our cubes have a time dimension.

    Thanks for your consideration, and I really enjoyed the seminars you recently conducted in Australia.  I look forward to watching the replay.

    Craig Sawers

  • 8.  RE: Ask-Me-Anything: Planning Analytics – June edition webinar

    Posted 23 days ago


    You are not alone. I have an open ticket with our TM1SET problem being with &. Our standard alias is "Code & Description". I posted on this forum previously about it. 

    We are not all going to rebuild our models. The problem appears to be TM1SET specific and this function has broader use than UR's

    I worked out that you can overcome the issue for Universal Reports by converting to a Universal Report by first using /displaying just member ID rather than the offending alias. The TM1SET function will therefore work. You then need to modify the part of the UR definition (I updated my support ticket to explain the workaround - If you trace through the UR construction you may work it out). to reference your ALIAS so that the resulting CUBE MDX references the Alias. The UR then works fine. But this is not the answer in terms of enabling regular users who want to create their own UR's. 


    John O'Leary

  • 9.  RE: Ask-Me-Anything: Planning Analytics – June edition webinar

    Posted 22 days ago

    during a professional penetration testing on our environment the tester we were able to upload non-malicious virus test files ("EICAR") to PAW - eg to Applications.
    PAW is not preventing this upload and users where able to download / open this files from PAW.

    Is PA in general and PAW specifically doing application build-in Virus scans on content like files?
    Can virus protection be configured within the application? Are there any best practices regarding this?

    General System setup:
    PA on prem, running on Windows including virus scan activated
    PASS on prem, running on Windows including virus scan activated
    PAW on prem, running on Linux, no idea how virus protection is working on Linux in combination with containers

    thank you for some insights and greetings from Austria.

    best regards

    Bernhard Busslehner

  • 10.  RE: Ask-Me-Anything: Planning Analytics – June edition webinar

    Posted 21 days ago
    Edited by Svetlana Pestsova 21 days ago

    Hi Bernhard,

    Thank you for the info!

    We do perform the pen testing on the product components. Let us investigate, will post you after.

    Best regards,

    P.S. What version of PAW are you using?

    Svetlana Pestsova
    IBM Planning Analytics Product Manager