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PAW Dimension Selector Type

  • 1.  PAW Dimension Selector Type

    Posted Tue May 03, 2022 10:48 AM

    In PAW you can determine the Selection Type to be either Sets and Levels or Members.

    With the Members option you can limit the members to be what you want.
    However, with the Sets and Levels option it appears there is no way to limit which sets or levels you want in the dropdown.

    I have recently come across a potential use case for such a situation.

    I have an exploration view in PAW, and I want the measure dimension, which is on the columns, to show 2 measures, either:

    % Increase and Value after Increase
    Value Increase and Value after Increase.

    In order to allow users to chose either of these column views, I have had to create a client attribute, with a picklist Value or Percentage, and then use IIF within MDX to return the set based on the picklist selected. Therefore, I have had to add the Attribute cube to the view and configure it to look like a dimension selector.

    It would have been useful if I was able to create 2 subsets, one called Value and one called Percentage, and then use the Selector Type, Sets and Levels.
    I couldn't use this because I could not see a way of limiting the sets to just the 2 that I needed, it seems I must show all sets and levels.

    I wondered if anyone knew of a way of limiting the sets and levels, and if not would you agree this could be a useful feature?



    Mark Wragg
