I wanted to play around with some features in Instana (go
here for your own free 14 day trial), and for that, I wanted a local, simple setup.
I also had not been using a local Kubernetes setup in a while, so I decided to throw that in the mix, too.
When setting up a local Kubernetes cluster, you have several options. To name a few:
- MicroK8s
- Minikube
- kind
I tried all three, in the order above.
What worked for me best was kind, and I will use it for the remainder of this article.
Please note that environment I used is for test/demo purposes only. Kind should not be used for production purposes ("kind was primarily designed for testing Kubernetes itself, but may be used for local development or CI." source)
My setup
- My MacBook Pro 2021, with an M1 chip. Note: This is an ARM architecture, which does make a difference for setting up some of the local Kubernetes infrastructure, e.g. hyperkit is not supported on ARM at the time of writing this article. A colleague of mine tried it on an i7 Mac though and it worked as well
- Podman version 4.2.1
- Kind version 0.16.0
Installing the Kubernetes cluster
Install podman
these instructions:
brew install podman
I then created a VM with more resources than the default (to make it perform well) and a custom short name (due to this
podman machine init --cpus 6 --memory 12288 --disk-size 50 foo
podman machine start foo
podman system connection default foo
Install KIND
Following the instructions to install kind and setup a cluster with rootless podman - no changes needed from what was described in the related article:
brew install kind
$ KIND_EXPERIMENTAL_PROVIDER=podman kind create cluster
Once this is complete, you can play around with your freshly deployed k8s cluster. You might have to install kubectl, depending on what is already available on your machine.
isabell$ kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes control plane is running at
CoreDNS is running at
To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'..
isabell$ kubectl get all
pod/dnsutils 1/1 Running 46 (53m ago) 46h
service/kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 46h
Installing the Instana agent into the cluster
I went to the "Agents" page of my Instana SaaS instance (More > Agents > Install Instana Agents), and selected YAML based install
I really like the visual guidance towards adding all the required fields.
I then downloaded the yaml (my-agent.yaml)
Before I could deploy it to my cluster, I had to make one minor tweak. In the yaml file, I set one additional property to define initial and max JVM heap size for the Agent.
- name: instana-agent
image: "icr.io/instana/agent:latest"
imagePullPolicy: Always
value: "42655"
value: "isabell-zone"
- name: JAVA_OPTS
value: "-Xms150m -Xmx512m"
Why did I need that? The out of the box memory calculator does not work on my configuration, hence the agent's maximum heap was set to 160M, which led to an out-of-memory exception, as the agent needed more memory on my particular instance. I liked that the agent told me this explicitly:
After a while, the agent shows up in the list of available agents in Instana:
Let me know if this worked for you, and share your experience please!