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IBM Power Systems' event handling through Power HMC Instana sensor

By Bipin Chandra posted Wed October 19, 2022 04:13 AM


IBM Power® HMC Instana sensor can connect to one or more HMCs at the same time, and collect required metrics. If any deviation occurs from normal behaviour, alerts and events can be created, based on these metrics, and the abnormal behaviour can be analysed and diagnosed by using relevant data.

I would like to demonstrate in this short blog the capability of this sensor to handle critical events from Power HMC system.

Figure 1: Architecture diagram showing events from console and managed systems sent to sensor 

Critical events get triggered from managed systems and HMCs due to some failures or incidents. The following types of events are sent to Instana to be displayed on the Event page on Instana UI:

  • Critical hardware messages from managed systems

  • Critical console events from HMCs

Events and alerts

For events and alerts for the Power HMC related metrics, you can view how the events look like in the dashboard on Instana UI.

You can create events and alerts based on any of the performance metrics for the supported alert channels. For more information, see alert channels.


View the example below to find out about the Power HMC events that are shown on the Event dashboard:

In the Changes view on the Event panel, an LPAR is moved from `Not activated` to `Running` as follows:

Then, you can see the following red bars, which show some Instana-reported hardware events from HMC itself, due to a failing PCI card on one of the LPARs on a managed system. 

After you shut down all 46 LPARs on a managed system to fix the disruptive system firmware, you can see the following offline events in grey and online events in blue.

Alerts can be configured for these events using any of the supported alert channels. To find out more, about the configuration and management of alerts, refer to the Instana documentation.

