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What are some techniques you have used to reduce work-related stress and burnout?

  • 1.  What are some techniques you have used to reduce work-related stress and burnout?

    User Group Leader
    Posted Wed October 05, 2022 12:00 PM
    I have tried to get more sleep by going to bed at 9:30pm and waking up early to workout. I have also tried to set boundaries by not checking my slack or emails after 8 pm and it seems to reduce my anxiety a bit. Now, I am curious to hear what other folks have tried that has worked for them.

    Gabriel Marte Blanco
    Austin TX


  • 2.  RE: What are some techniques you have used to reduce work-related stress and burnout?

    Posted Wed October 05, 2022 01:54 PM
    I make a daily to-do list that so I know for sure that I am getting my top priority tasks done each day. It reduces my stress because it breaks each day into realistic and actionable goals. I also make sure to set aside time before and after work for hobbies and activities that help me de-stress, like working out and spending time with friends & family!

    Brianna Kunitz

  • 3.  RE: What are some techniques you have used to reduce work-related stress and burnout?

    IBM TechXchange Speaker
    Posted Wed October 05, 2022 02:42 PM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:43 PM

    Great suggestions!

    I also now try to lay down on paper the todos of the day/week to help my focus and reduce stress (unload that from my mind!).

    I have learned that going to bed early (before 10pm) is key to get good & restorative rest which is key for me to function fully (especially as I get older), so I try to do that as well. When I do, no need for an alarm clock in AM, I wake up with the birds & chickens (if any are around:)!

    For a while now, I have been starting & ending the day with a guided meditation which helps start the day centered/focused in AM and unwind to go to sleep in evening.

    Also, I try to dim lights in the house (including that of screens when I can't resist:) and keep the sounds low (music or TV if any) for a couple of hours before bed time to reduce stimulation.

    Looking to hear more tips to pick from!

    Laurent de Clermont-Tonnerre
    Watson Orchestrate Product Manager
    San Francisco CA