Hi Grita,
To open Case details within the tab container, you need to broadcast the icm.OpenCase event with proper payload i.e, CaseEditable and Coordination object, this will open default Case details page configured for that Role and Case.
If you want to open non default case details page (for the user's role) then broadcast icm.OpenPage event with few more details in the payload i.e., pagecontext, pageDeatails, crossPageEventPayload etc... In both ways, Case details page will be opened in the tab.
In both scenario, make sure to check user's membershipStatus on the Case before broadcast the event.
Let me know if you need further help. You can find the events details:
Ramesh Bhat
Original Message:
Sent: Wed August 14, 2024 03:04 AM
From: Grita Sim
Subject: URL to the case details
Hi, this is the link I have stated in the question, so it refers to the new navigator window with opened case. I would like to stay in the same navigator and redirect only to the case. It should work the same as a link to the case from the human task toolbar. Not sure how to get or construct this link.
Grita Sim
Original Message:
Sent: Wed August 14, 2024 01:22 AM
Subject: URL to the case details
If you open the case client and from the cases page, right click on a case and select the show link no to case, you should see the url that will take you to the case.
Make sure the server and params all match so the browser understands it is the same place.
Original Message:
Sent: Tue August 13, 2024 05:12 AM
From: Grita Sim
Subject: URL to the case details
Does anybody know how to construct URL to the case details that would open the case as separate tab in navigator? I know only this link BAW_SERVER + "/navigator/?desktop=xxx&feature=Cases&tos=xxx&solution=xxx&caseGUID=" + caseGuid, but it opens a separate navigator window and it's not very convenient for internal use (inside of human tasks).
Grita Sim