BPM, Workflow, and Case

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  • 1.  How to use WaitForCondition in IBM Case manager

    Posted Thu April 04, 2024 11:35 AM

    Hello everyone,

    I'm reaching out to the community because I need assistance with understanding and effectively using the WaitForCondition feature in IBM BPM.

    I've recently started working on a project involving the implementation of a business process in IBM BPM, and I've identified the need to suspend the execution of the process until a specific condition is met. After consulting the documentation and conducting research, I've found information about WaitForCondition, but I'm encountering difficulties in implementing it correctly.

    If anyone in the community has experience with using WaitForCondition or can offer advice on how to implement it effectively, I would greatly appreciate your help.

    Additionally, if you have any examples of use cases or best practices to share, that would also be very helpful.

    Thank you in advance for your contributions and support.

    Best regards

    El Mehdi ES-SAFI

  • 2.  RE: How to use WaitForCondition in IBM Case manager

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon April 15, 2024 07:18 PM

    Wait for the condition is based on waiting for another work item to be created based on matching parameters (workflow fields).  I have used it before but cant find an example handy.  I will try to explain it in case the documentation does not make sense.  YOu have a process, but within the process you realize that another step is needed.  This step is waiting for another document to arrive.  You need a document to arrive task to be launched.  It launches and has the same case data as the original case task launched.  In the wait-for condition, you define the workflow properties you are waiting to be matched on.  CaseType, CaseNumber, DocumentType, for this example.  So when the new document arrival task is created, those 3 fields match and the wait for condition is meet and then the workflow is re-activated.  The real trick is setting up the workflow fields in the Wait For COndition and making sure the matching fields are set for the new task being created.

    Mike Prentice

  • 3.  RE: How to use WaitForCondition in IBM Case manager

    Posted Tue April 16, 2024 02:27 AM
    Edited by Ahmed Ibrahim Tue April 16, 2024 02:30 AM


  • 4.  RE: How to use WaitForCondition in IBM Case manager

    Posted Tue April 16, 2024 03:05 AM

    Hi Mike,

    Thank you for your response. After conducting some research, I think this is not meeting my needs.

    My requirement is to initiate a REST call on a other task and wait for the response to continue. I use the same workflow, but it does not work with waitForCondition.

    El Mehdi ES-SAFI

  • 5.  RE: How to use WaitForCondition in IBM Case manager

    Posted Tue April 16, 2024 11:09 AM


    Are you still using IBM Case Manager (ICM) (last release v5.3.3 in 2018) or have you upgraded to BAW (and using its case feature which came from ICM)? If you using BAW, you might explore the new process capabilities of the BAW process engine vs the FileNet Process Engine you are using now. You can mix both process types in a single case solution.


  • 6.  RE: How to use WaitForCondition in IBM Case manager

    Posted Tue April 16, 2024 11:51 AM


    Yes, I'm using the new version of BAW and I'm mixing both Case Solution and BAW. That way, I need to use waitForCondition. I need to wait for a BAW process to change a property in the case so that the case can continue the process.

    Thank you for your response

    El Mehdi ES-SAFI