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Datacap 9.1.9 - Rulerunner aborts on PageID task profile

  • 1.  Datacap 9.1.9 - Rulerunner aborts on PageID task profile

    Posted Thu March 21, 2024 02:15 PM
    I am working on the Datacap upgrade POC from 9.1.4 to 9.1.9 using single machine installation. We're using Datacap Desktop client and when I run the batch, Rulerunner PageID task profile aborts on imageFix ruleset with the following error. It works fine with the datacap studio using test tab. I would really appreciate for your help. thanks
    IBM Datacap 9.1.9 iFix 04
    Build: v
    07:22:00.12 (16) t:598 p:11BCAC8                Loading RRX from DLL "c:\datacap\rrs\imagefix.dll"
    07:22:00.12 (0) t:598 p:11BCAC8                load rrx code: "c:\datacap\rrs\imagefix.dll"
    07:22:00.13 (0) t:598 p:11BCAC8  ImageFix version
    07:22:00.15 (0) t:598 p:11BCAC8  Could not instantiate Datacap.Libraries.ImageFix.Actions object
    07:22:00.16 (0) t:598 p:11BCAC8 Error (0=hex:0). In CScript::Call(SAFEARRAY): Action execution failed: Script Error:
    Error: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
    Description: Object required
    Rulerunner logs:
    07:22:00.40 (0) t:598 p:1131250 CRRSWrapper::RunRRS: infrastructure RRS error [Action execution failed: Script Error:
    Error: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
    Description: Object required
    Error code: 0x800a01a8 - (null)Source: (null)
    Line: 61, Char: 2] [CScript::Call(SAFEARRAY)], occurred.
    Thank you,

    Rashid Malik

  • 2.  RE: Datacap 9.1.9 - Rulerunner aborts on PageID task profile

    Posted Fri March 22, 2024 01:52 PM

    It's interesting that Rule Runner and dStudio are on single machine yet one client (dstudio) is able to run imagefix.dll while RR server can't.   If it's on separate system I would expect .NET redistribiutable versioning. 

    Compare the RRS log when running from dStudio vs RRS server.   It's it failing at the same location? 
    Perhaps just have one thread and all it's doing is PageID. 

    Duke Lam

  • 3.  RE: Datacap 9.1.9 - Rulerunner aborts on PageID task profile

    Posted Mon March 25, 2024 04:04 AM

    Hi Rashid,

    does the RuleRunner run under the same user as you use for your login in Datacap Studio?

    Similar error messages generally seem to occur, when a library-function cannot be resolved and different rights are what comes to mind as a possible cause, when both run on the same machine.


    Similar messages:

    Julian Fiegenbaum | ISR Information Products AG | Consultant | Germany

  • 4.  RE: Datacap 9.1.9 - Rulerunner aborts on PageID task profile

    Posted Mon March 25, 2024 10:57 AM

    Thanks @Duke Lam@Julian Fiegenbaum

    When I used a service account (dorfsmain\tsthddctstha1svc) which has all the permissions/privileges then it fails (thanks for the pointer @Julian Fiegenbaum ). When i try my local account (dorfsmain\malikr) to run rulerunner service then it works fine. I really like to use the service account. I am using a windows server 2022. Please advise.


    Rashid Malik

  • 5.  RE: Datacap 9.1.9 - Rulerunner aborts on PageID task profile

    Posted Mon March 25, 2024 11:27 AM

    Not all services account are the same.  The fact that local works but not service account suggest that there is some permission bottelneck somewhere.

    Datacap has permission location that you must have rights to.

    Duke Lam

  • 6.  RE: Datacap 9.1.9 - Rulerunner aborts on PageID task profile

    Posted Mon March 25, 2024 11:28 AM
    Edited by Julian Fiegenbaum Mon March 25, 2024 11:31 AM

    ImageFix got a 64bit replacement in 9.1.6.
    I could imagine that there are old, incompatible dependencies of ImageFix or ImageFix itself still floating around somewhere, which get called wrongly.

    What does the rrs log under your user say for that step? Does it also load the "c:\datacap\rrs\imagefix.dll" or from a different path? How are the permissions of your "c:\datacap\<application>\dco_<application>\rules" folder? Are they exactly the same for both users? Are there dlls not pertaining to custom modules in there?

    EDIT: Oh yeah Duke Lam's suggestions should be absolutely checked first. Often admin accounts can give themselves rights for everything, but dont have them by default.

    Julian Fiegenbaum | ISR Information Products AG | Consultant | Germany

  • 7.  RE: Datacap 9.1.9 - Rulerunner aborts on PageID task profile

    Posted Mon March 25, 2024 12:18 PM

    Thanks for the reply.

    I already checked Duke Lam's suggestions and those looks good. I also checked DCOM configuration,  rrprocessor, dcoprocessor, and rulerunner as well. 

    Yes, it loads the "c:\datacap\rrs\imagefix.dll". The permissions are same for both users. 

    RRS logs:

    11:50:13.726 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628  InitPage
    11:50:13.727 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628  Init OnRule...
    11:50:13.727 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628  Init End
    11:50:13.727 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628  Retrieving locale setting from Application Service
    11:50:13.727 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628  Looking for AppSvc Workflow Name key: '*/dco_Comets HD/locale'
    11:50:13.727 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628  Looking for AppSvc Application Name key: '*/dco_Comets HD/locale'
    11:50:13.727 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628  Looking for AppSvc General key: '*/locale'
    11:50:13.728 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628  No locale setting found in the Application Service.
    11:50:13.728 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628  Retrieving Fingerprint DB Connection string from Application Service
    11:50:13.728 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628  Looking for AppSvc Workflow Name key: '*/dco_Comets HD/fingerprintconn:cs'
    11:50:13.728 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628  AppSvc Workflow fingerprintconn found.
    11:50:13.732 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628          /load
    11:50:13.732 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628          func "loadINISetting"
    11:50:13.732 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628             execute statement On Function Start
    11:50:13.732 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628                executing code:
    11:50:13.732 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628                g_Ftmr=cdbl(Timer)
    11:50:13.732 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628             /execute statement On Function Start
    11:50:13.732 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628             calling action LoadSettings (str="@APPPATH(imagefix)") on B:20240325.Main Job.01.000012
    11:50:13.732 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628                no accessible DLL version of RRX "\\hd-dcp-ap-poc\datacap\comets hd\dco_comets hd\rules\imagefix.dll"; errno:2 - No such file or directory; doserrno:2 - No such file or directory
    11:50:13.732 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628                no accessible version of RRX "\\hd-dcp-ap-poc\datacap\comets hd\dco_comets hd\rules\imagefix.rrx"; errno:2 - No such file or directory; doserrno:2 - No such file or directory
    11:50:13.735 (16) t:FDC p:1EE2628                Loading RRX from DLL "c:\datacap\rrs\imagefix.dll"
    11:50:13.736 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628                load rrx code: "c:\datacap\rrs\imagefix.dll"
    11:50:13.736 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628  ImageFix version
    11:50:13.775 (31) t:FDC p:1EE2628  Datacap.Libraries.ImageFix.Actions Object created
    11:50:13.798 (31) t:778 p:1EE2628 C:\Datacap\dcshared\NET\Datacap.Libraries.ImageFix.dll. AssemblyVersion: AssemblyFileVersion: 64Bit: True
    11:50:13.801 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628                /load
    11:50:13.801 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628                execute statement On Action Start
    11:50:13.801 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628                   executing code:
    11:50:13.801 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628                   Call OnActionStart()
    11:50:13.801 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628  Current Locale: '1033 (en-US)' English (United States)
    11:50:13.802 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628                /execute statement On Action Start
    11:50:13.821 (16) t:778 p:1EE2628 Initializing SmartNavObject
    11:50:13.822 (0) t:778 p:1EE2628 Initialize SmarNavObject. SmartParams are enabled.
    11:50:13.822 (0) t:778 p:1EE2628 SmartParams query : "@APPPATH(imagefix)"
    11:50:13.838 (16) t:778 p:1EE2628 DCSmart Metaword sArgument: @APPPATH(imagefix)
    11:50:13.839 (0) t:778 p:1EE2628 1 Smart Parameter element found
    11:50:13.839 (0) t:778 p:1EE2628 Parsing Smart Parameter element {0} value: "@APPPATH(imagefix)"
    11:50:13.839 (0) t:778 p:1EE2628 matched '@' index 0
    11:50:13.839 (0) t:778 p:1EE2628 sArg: @APPPATH.
    11:50:13.840 (0) t:778 p:1EE2628 @APPPATH key root value: 'imagefix'
    11:50:13.841 (0) t:778 p:1EE2628 @APPPATH looking for workflow key: '*/dco_Comets HD/imagefix'
    11:50:13.847 (15) t:778 p:1EE2628    workflow key found: '\\hd-dcp-ap-poc\Datacap\Comets HD\dco_Comets HD\imagefix.ini'
    11:50:13.847 (0) t:778 p:1EE2628 Smart return: '\\hd-dcp-ap-poc\Datacap\Comets HD\dco_Comets HD\imagefix.ini'
    11:50:13.847 (0) t:778 p:1EE2628 SmartParams query returns : "\\hd-dcp-ap-poc\Datacap\Comets HD\dco_Comets HD\imagefix.ini"
    11:50:13.847 (0) t:778 p:1EE2628 Loading settings from file \\hd-dcp-ap-poc\Datacap\Comets HD\dco_Comets HD\imagefix.ini
    11:50:13.899 (47) t:FDC p:1EE2628                result 0[x0] = true
    11:50:13.899 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628                action returned true
    11:50:13.899 (0) t:FDC p:1EE2628                execute statement On Action True

    Rashid Malik

  • 8.  RE: Datacap 9.1.9 - Rulerunner aborts on PageID task profile

    Posted Mon March 25, 2024 12:23 PM

    FYI - I remotely connect to this window server 2022 to make the changes, not sure if this could be the issue. Thanks 

    Rashid Malik

  • 9.  RE: Datacap 9.1.9 - Rulerunner aborts on PageID task profile

    Posted Mon March 25, 2024 01:24 PM

    I forgot about the dcom.  Yes that is an issue.


    I got this from support awhile back.  This is for validation and text adjustments.  Maybe you need to allow access to imagefix.

    Duke Lam

  • 10.  RE: Datacap 9.1.9 - Rulerunner aborts on PageID task profile

    Posted Mon March 25, 2024 02:26 PM

    Thanks Duke.

    It seems App ID = 48daf634-67b9-4f78-938a-fb3c88127cdf   doesn't exist under DCOM Config. I see this in the registry but there is no App ID.

    Rashid Malik

  • 11.  RE: Datacap 9.1.9 - Rulerunner aborts on PageID task profile

    Posted Mon March 25, 2024 07:57 PM

    It's interesting that you don't have a imageifx App ID whereas I have one.  Also if you are remoted in, I am wondering if it's using your credential who don't have access to run the dll. Ask someone to physically logon to that workstation with the service account to see if they can run rulerunner.  Maybe right click on rulerunner.exe and do a "run as" using a account that has rights.  Such as a local admin account.

    Duke Lam

  • 12.  RE: Datacap 9.1.9 - Rulerunner aborts on PageID task profile

    Posted Mon March 25, 2024 08:00 PM

    Did the dcom helped.
    DCOProcessor, RRProocessor, and this is not in the help but add the rulerunner.exe as well. 

    Duke Lam

  • 13.  RE: Datacap 9.1.9 - Rulerunner aborts on PageID task profile

    Posted Tue March 26, 2024 07:50 AM

    Hi Duke,

    This service account is currently used for Datacap Server and Datacap Rule runner for Datacap 9.1.4 on one of the development machines (window server 2012). I've the admin access as well and batches on Datacap 9.1.4 are working fine under this service account. I added rulerunner.exe and rebooted the machine but no luck.

    Rashid Malik

  • 14.  RE: Datacap 9.1.9 - Rulerunner aborts on PageID task profile

    Posted Tue March 26, 2024 11:55 AM

    Was looking at your snippet log again and where is the failure?   I don't see image fix failing.

    Duke Lam

  • 15.  RE: Datacap 9.1.9 - Rulerunner aborts on PageID task profile

    Posted Tue March 26, 2024 12:26 PM

    Hi Duke,

    I've imported the encryption key again for the service account but unfortunately no luck.


    12:01:03.329 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70  InitPage
    12:01:03.329 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70  Init OnRule...
    12:01:03.329 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70  Init End
    12:01:03.330 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70  Retrieving locale setting from Application Service
    12:01:03.330 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70  Looking for AppSvc Workflow Name key: '*/dco_Comets HD/locale'
    12:01:03.330 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70  Looking for AppSvc Application Name key: '*/dco_Comets HD/locale'
    12:01:03.330 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70  Looking for AppSvc General key: '*/locale'
    12:01:03.330 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70  No locale setting found in the Application Service.
    12:01:03.330 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70  Retrieving Fingerprint DB Connection string from Application Service
    12:01:03.330 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70  Looking for AppSvc Workflow Name key: '*/dco_Comets HD/fingerprintconn:cs'
    12:01:03.331 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70  AppSvc Workflow fingerprintconn found.
    12:01:03.334 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70          /load
    12:01:03.334 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70          func "loadINISetting"
    12:01:03.334 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70             execute statement On Function Start
    12:01:03.334 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70                executing code:
    12:01:03.334 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70                g_Ftmr=cdbl(Timer)
    12:01:03.334 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70             /execute statement On Function Start
    12:01:03.334 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70             calling action LoadSettings (str="@APPPATH(imagefix)") on B:20240326.Main Job.01.000001
    12:01:03.335 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70                no accessible DLL version of RRX "\\hd-dcp-ap-poc\datacap\comets hd\dco_comets hd\rules\imagefix.dll"; errno:2 - No such file or directory; doserrno:2 - No such file or directory
    12:01:03.335 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70                no accessible version of RRX "\\hd-dcp-ap-poc\datacap\comets hd\dco_comets hd\rules\imagefix.rrx"; errno:2 - No such file or directory; doserrno:2 - No such file or directory
    12:01:03.343 (16) t:1954 p:134EB70                Loading RRX from DLL "c:\datacap\rrs\imagefix.dll"
    12:01:03.343 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70                load rrx code: "c:\datacap\rrs\imagefix.dll"
    12:01:03.344 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70  ImageFix version
    12:01:03.345 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70  Could not instantiate Datacap.Libraries.ImageFix.Actions object
    12:01:03.345 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70                /load
    12:01:03.345 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70                execute statement On Action Start
    12:01:03.345 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70                   executing code:
    12:01:03.345 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70                   Call OnActionStart()
    12:01:03.346 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70  Current Locale: '1033 (en-US)' English (United States)
    12:01:03.346 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70                /execute statement On Action Start
    12:01:03.346 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70                exception in call script
    12:01:03.346 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70             /action
    12:01:03.346 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70          /func
    12:01:03.346 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70       /rule
    12:01:03.346 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70    /dco
    12:01:03.346 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70 /ruleset
    12:01:03.346 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70 Error (0=hex:0). In CScript::Call(SAFEARRAY): Action execution failed: Script Error:
    Error: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
    Description: Object required
    Error code: 0x800a01a8 - (null)Source: (null)
    Line: 61, Char: 2 [api source:]
    12:01:03.346 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70 EXCEPTION: code="0" msg="Action execution failed: Script Error:
    Error: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
    Description: Object required
    Error code: 0x800a01a8 - (null)Source: (null)
    Line: 61, Char: 2" loc="CScript::Call(SAFEARRAY)" API=""
    12:01:03.346 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70 CIMainAlgorithm::Execute::finalize_after_process:
    12:01:03.346 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70 execute statement On Process End
    12:01:03.347 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70    executing code:
    12:01:03.347 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70    Quit()
    12:01:03.349 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70 /execute statement On Process End
    12:01:03.349 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70 CIMainAlgorithm::Execute::finalize_after_process:SaveDCO:
    12:01:03.353 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70 unload script [m0x="12e6ffc"]
    12:01:03.353 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70    execute statement (null)
    12:01:03.353 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70       executing code:
    12:01:03.353 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70       Call set_CDCOnothing()
    12:01:03.353 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70    /execute statement (null)
    12:01:03.354 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70    script released
    12:01:03.354 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70 /unload
    12:01:03.354 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70 unload COM m0x="12e6fcc">
    12:01:03.354 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70 /unload
    12:01:03.354 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70 c:\datacap\RRS\Logs\wrrs
    12:01:03.354 (0) t:1954 p:134EB70 end log to batch

    Rashid Malik

  • 16.  RE: Datacap 9.1.9 - Rulerunner aborts on PageID task profile

    Posted Tue March 26, 2024 01:27 PM

    Thank you so much Duke and Julian. The issue has been resolved. I went back to the server team, and they fixed the service account's permissions on the server. I really appreciate for your help and time.

    Rashid Malik