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Users unable to select/view geographies

  • 1.  Users unable to select/view geographies

    Posted Fri September 15, 2023 10:54 AM

    We recently moved our Tririga application onto new servers; no upgrades to the platform or application, but updated the OS from Server 2012 to 2016 and upgraded SQL Server.

    Now we have run into in confounding problem that we've been unable to resolve. When searching for geography paths (cities by city name query) the users only see a small fraction of the geographies that they should be authorized to view (just 3 of 11 states), and likewise when searching for counties they can only see a small number. We've made no changes to geographies or user groups. What worked fine on our previous servers has suddenly stopped working on the new; we are quite baffled.

    Anyone else have a clue?

    Lee Jarvis

  • 2.  RE: Users unable to select/view geographies

    Posted Wed September 20, 2023 11:40 PM

    I've seen something similar when using a Regional security group with Tririga and SQL Server. The region had maybe 10 children under it. So giving the user access to that region gives the user access to the 10 children.  But a UX component was sometimes not returning a row when there was data in on one of the children the user had access to.  Removing the Regional Security group from the user and adding an individual security group for each of the 10 children fixed the problem. If this fits your problem, I do have more details on what was going on in SQL server to stop this from working correctly.   Ultimately we were able to change a flag on the UX component to fix this. We didn't have to readjust all our security which would have been a major pain.


    Todd Stewart