Airport Maximo User Group

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Thanks for a wonderful event!

  • 1.  Thanks for a wonderful event!

    User Group Leader
    Posted Tue January 15, 2019 12:38 PM


    I would like to thank our sponsors Arora, CIM, DataSplice, EDI, JFC, Interloc and Solufy for their support and sponsorship of our event.  I hope all that attended received value during the conference and beyond. 

    Some exciting news! McCarran Airport, Las Vegas has volunteered to host our conference next year in February of 2020.  Although it will be hosted by McCarran, we will be looking for a hotel off the strip and possibly in Henderson, NV.

    I have listed some of the changes we will make for next year's conference and invite you to send any other suggestions, recommendations or comments you might have.

    1. When we kick off the 2020 AMUG meeting, each and every attendee will be given the opportunity to stand up and introduce themselves, identify where they are from and what they do.

    On day one January 9th, we did not give everyone in the room a chance to introduce themselves and for that I apologize.

    1. Later this year we will be sending out a Call for Papers to Airports Only.  Next year, all presentations will require an airport representative to either do the presentation or attend and support their vendor during the presentation.
    2. Next year, all breaks will be set up in the same room where the sponsors' exhibits will be held.

    Thanks for your feedback and again for attending! We look forward to another successful AMUG in 2020!

    Joseph Mahaz
    President & CEO
    St. Petersburg FL