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  • 1.  MAF Login using Username and Password and Maximo Mobile Preview Not Working

    Posted 16 days ago

    Hello - I am using Maximo Mobile 8.11 with Ifix 02 and MAF image maf-tools:8.11.6 with Maximo 7613. As we know that MAF provides options to login using the API key or using the MAM username and password. I have 3 environments - 1 of them has appServerSecurity enabled with LDAP integration and VMMSync running. Other 2 don't have appServerSecurit running.

    When I login to MAF to the non-appServerSecurity enabled environments, it allows me to login using API Key and Username/Password methods both.

    But, in the environment where appServerSecurity is enabled - it only allows me to login using API key. When I try to login using username/password, I see the following error in the developers tools of the browser.

    500 Internal Server Error

    Are there additional settings required for the appServerSecurity enabled environment?

    My main issue is different - even after logging to the environment using API Key, I am unable to Preview the app changes. When I click on the preview button, it opens a new tab and the request fails with the following error. It looks like the authencation issue at Maximo end. But, I was able to publish the changes successfully. 

    This app has experienced a problem that is preventing it from loading/rendering.
    Error: Connect/Authentication failed
    IE Tools shows below:
    2024-05-14T03:58:32.124Z: [ERROR]: [srmobile]: [JS-MAXAUTHAuthenticator]: Login Failed Error: Service Unavailable
        at RESTConnection.validateRawResponse (RESTConnection.js:642:13)
        at RESTConnection._callee$ (RESTConnection.js:592:22)
        at tryCatch (regeneratorRuntime.js:44:17)
        at Generator.eval (regeneratorRuntime.js:125:22)
        at Generator.eval [as next] (regeneratorRuntime.js:69:21)
        at asyncGeneratorStep (asyncToGenerator.js:3:24)
        at _next (asyncToGenerator.js:22:9)
    2024-05-14T03:58:32.125Z: [ERROR]: [srmobile]: [JS-Application]: We were not able to connect/authenticate

  • 2.  RE: MAF Login using Username and Password and Maximo Mobile Preview Not Working

    Posted 15 days ago

    The config tool only supports native authentication in EAM, API key in EAM or MAS, or MAS OIDC. LDAP in EAM doesn't work. It's important to understand that the native auth in EAM just automates the creation of an API key. We're still using the API key for authentication. I would recommend just using the API key.

    You specifically mention "IE tools". Are you actually running Internet Explorer? We don't support that in Maximo anymore. I wouldn't expect a 503 error but I would make sure you're using a supported browser (Chrome, the new Microsoft Edge, etc.). 

    I would also look at the docker console output to see if anything helpful is being logged there. 

    Steven Shull

  • 3.  RE: MAF Login using Username and Password and Maximo Mobile Preview Not Working

    Posted 15 days ago

    Thanks Steven.

    By IE, I meant the browser developers tools. I am using Chrome.

    My Maximo has LDAP integration, appServerSecurity set to 1.

    I can successfully login to MAF using API key. In fact, I can use the Publish function. But, Preview fails with the error mentioned in the post.

    Will MAF preview not work with LDAP enabled Maximo?

  • 4.  RE: MAF Login using Username and Password and Maximo Mobile Preview Not Working

    Posted 15 days ago

    With an API key, it should work. Without access to your docker logs and server logs it's impossible to say what's going wrong. 

    Steven Shull

  • 5.  RE: MAF Login using Username and Password and Maximo Mobile Preview Not Working

    Posted 14 days ago

    Hi Steven, thanks.

    Docker container logs doesn't show any error reported when I click on the Preview button.

    Maximo logs don't show any errors.

    Browser shows the following error:

    This app has experienced a problem that is preventing it from loading/rendering.

    Error: Connect/Authentication failed

    Developer Tools show the following error:

    [ERROR]: [srmobile]: [JS-MAXAUTHAuthenticator]: Login Failed Error: Service Unavailable
        at RESTConnection.validateRawResponse (RESTConnection.js:642:13)
        at RESTConnection._callee$ (RESTConnection.js:592:22)
        at tryCatch (regeneratorRuntime.js:44:17)
        at Generator.eval (regeneratorRuntime.js:125:22)
        at Generator.eval [as next] (regeneratorRuntime.js:69:21)
        at asyncGeneratorStep (asyncToGenerator.js:3:24)
        at _next (asyncToGenerator.js:22:9)
    [ERROR]: [srmobile]: [JS-Application]: We were not able to connect/authenticate
    I was doing OSLC request testing using Postman to fetch an Asset record.
    For the following OSLC request - Basic Auth, API and MAXAUTH - all of these failed.
    And, for the following request - MAXAUTH failed, but Basic Auth and API passed.
    Is there anything else I can check to know the root cause.
    I raised a PMR with IBM, but got a response to apply the latest fix pack on Maximo 7613, upgrade MM to latest iFix of 8.11 and use the latest container image. I don't think that would resolve the error.

    maximo User

  • 6.  RE: MAF Login using Username and Password and Maximo Mobile Preview Not Working

    Posted 13 days ago

    Our API calls will hit Maximo using an API key to /maximo/api. I've seen some customers with a configured web.xml for LDAP purposes that didn't have the /maximo/api context but you then wouldn't be able to login with the API key nor publish which is working for you. 

    You can look at the mxe.oslc.webappurl system property. I believe if that wasn't correct, your publish action would fail as well. Doesn't hurt to make sure it's pointed to the correct URL though because if it's incorrect, certain actions will fail in the config tool. The default URL is localhost for example which causes the docker container to try and communicate to itself which fails.

    Looking at the network requests and response in developer tools is also helpful in addition to console output. The config tool essentially acts as a reverse proxy where you make API requests to the service running on your local computer that then builds and routes the request to the actual Maximo environment. If the request fails, you can potentially get a helpful error message in the response. 

    Generally speaking, though likely not related to your issue since it seems like we hit a point far enough along, the reason the docker output is so critical is there are often things logged there that directly impact the ability to build & preview. It could be something like not having sufficient RAM for your configuration image, a port conflict (docker thinks something is still holding on to port 3006), an issue with your application that is preventing it from building successfully (the publish can appear successful and upload an old version of the application in some specific edge cases like invalid translation files), issues writing files to your local workspace, etc. That's why the docker output is useful to troubleshoot.

    Steven Shull