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Imported views being dropped on structural ConfigDB

  • 1.  Imported views being dropped on structural ConfigDB

    Posted Thu July 18, 2024 09:21 AM

    I have a problem on a clients development server where in order to display some data the most practical solution was to develop a SQL statement to assemble the data into a view with a Join on two tables, the views were added via Back end SQL and imported into Maximo with a base object that is the same as the view using "Extends Object".

    This works fine until we need to do a structural ConfigDB for example to change an attribute on the ASSET table i.e. from Integer to ALN (as the client wants to see leading zero's)

    during the ConfigDB i can see the following from the log

    •  I can see the triggers get dropped,
    • Then it drops a number of views 
      • some of which are not related to the asset object in any way 
      • a couple of them are views created for the Service provider module, 
      • there are also views that were created the same way that are not dropped
    • it then creates the asset table
    • creates the triggers
    • drops indexes
    • creates indexes
    • i think it then tries to build the views as i get an error BMXAA6835E - The column information for the XXX view cannot be found.
    • the ConfigDB completed with errors

    could anyone help please explain why this configDB drops these views?

    or why it selects these views to be dropped?

    or if there is a way to complete a ConfigDB without a fairly complicated procedure of rebuilding the ASSET object each time it fails?

    Kind Regards
