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How to share repairable Rotating Assets across Sites?

  • 1.  How to share repairable Rotating Assets across Sites?

    Posted Tue November 26, 2019 04:25 PM
    Need some help!  Wondering how other companies transactionally move a Rotating Asset from Site A to an external Vendor for repairs and then have the Asset go to a warehouse/Site B and become available for other Sites to use.  

    The problem I'm having is Site A creates a WO for the overhaul of the Asset and a PO referencing the WO to pay for the Vendor overhaul services.  I have no problems using Inventory Usage to "ship" the Asset.  Where I run into a snag is trying to perform a Shipment Receiving into a Vendor Site to get the Asset out of Site A's inventory.  You cannot receive/move the Asset when there are open WOs.  I also tried setting up a Repair Facility and issuing the Asset to that location, but got the same error about open WOs.

    The overhaul could take months and I will have Shipment information (waybills, costs, etc) for both getting the Asset from Site A to the Vendor and from the Vendor to site B, so I wanted to split it into 2 Inventory Usage transactions to have 100% visibility of where our Assets are.  So I want to avoid creating the transaction for Site A to Site B and be blind for ~4-5 months on where the Asset actually is.  I wanted to be able to just look at site: Vendor's Inventory to see all the Assets out for repairs/vendor managed/etc at any given time.

    I need Site A to be responsible for the overhaul costs.  I also need the overhaul WO to follow the Rotating Asset to capture TCO.  Also, the Invoice could also come in months after the entire transaction, preventing any movement, which defeats the purpose of a shared depot of Rotating Assets.  

    Any ideas would be much appreciated.  Or let me know if perhaps my company has some configurations set to prevent movement of Assets when there's an open WO and it's an easy click of a button to fix.

    Appreciate the time spent reading and thinking on this subject!

    Gail Smith
    CMMS Business Process Owner
    Marine Fleet Technical - Chevron


  • 2.  RE: How to share repairable Rotating Assets across Sites?

    Posted Wed November 27, 2019 09:12 AM
    We are also just starting process of rotating/repairable with outside vendor cost. Interested in solution.

  • 3.  RE: How to share repairable Rotating Assets across Sites?

    Posted Mon December 02, 2019 09:09 AM

    My opinion is that when a rotating asset is overhauled externally, it should be done through a PO instead of a work order.  The overhaul services should be ordered to the vendor and the costs should be captured on the PO and added to the inventory at receipts (according to cost type). Once received, it can be shipped to the site B. The WO is useful when you overhaul the asset internally. In this case, you should have the same process of ordering the overhaul but to an internal vendor instead of external. Once the asset moved to repair facility, a WO can be issued against the rotating asset to capture the cost. These costs must be reflected to the PO price and then, the asset is received in storeroom according to the regular receiving process. 

    We deal with this situation for many of our customers and the suggested process has been implemented many times and it works well.

    I hope my answer is helpful !

    Serge Gagnon
    STI Maintenance
    Jonquiere QC

  • 4.  RE: How to share repairable Rotating Assets across Sites?

    Posted Mon December 02, 2019 07:20 PM
    Thank you Serge.  That is very helpful.  Talking with my Operations team, they need the Vendor's overhaul report in a Work Order associated with the Rotating Asset.  They want to be able to punch in an Asset number and see everything that was done internally and externally.  In light of this, I may adopt a hybrid approach where I treat my Vendor site as an Internal Repair Facility and have our Inventory Manager (IM) transact as if they were the Vendor.  We are already planning for the IM to 'receive' and initiate the InvUsage request for the return journey.  I think I'll add a step in the middle to cut a vendor site WO where we can record the work details...

    Feel free to point out any flaws in my plan!

    Gail Smith
    CMMS Business Process Owner
    Marine Fleet Technical - Chevron

  • 5.  RE: How to share repairable Rotating Assets across Sites?

    Posted Tue December 03, 2019 06:45 AM
    Sounds good !

    Serge Gagnon
    STI Maintenance
    Jonquiere QC

  • 6.  RE: How to share repairable Rotating Assets across Sites?

    Posted Mon December 02, 2019 09:16 AM

    Rotating assets are same as regular asset but can be stored in a storeroom and then, can be managed as an inventory item. There is two different processes to overhaul a rotating asset :

    Outside vendor : If the overhaul is done by an external vendor, you must create a PO to this vendor for asset overhauling. At receipt, the asset will be add to inventory according to cost type (standard, LIFO, FIFO or average). You can't move an asset from a site to another if a work order is active against the asset. You don't need to create a work order since the cost is collected through the PO.

    Repair location (inside) : If the overhaul is completed be internal repair location, the same process applies with an internal PO to an internal vendor. Once the asset moved to the workshop, a work order is opened to collecte the cost of the overhaul. Once completed, the PO price is adjusted according to work order total cost. The PO is received to inventory and the cost is adjusted.

    With this process, you do not create any work order and the asset can be moved to Site B once received in inventory.

    For repairable items, this is the same process but no asset is referred on POs. For outside vendor, you order the repairable item with the mention "Repaire ...." in the description to make sure that the vendor does not ship new item. Of course, used items are shipped to vendor an so on. At receipt, the same process than rotating assets applies except for the serialization step that is not required.

    Serge Gagnon
    STI Maintenance
    Jonquiere QC

  • 7.  RE: How to share repairable Rotating Assets across Sites?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue December 03, 2019 03:28 AM
    Hi Serge,

    Would you have any process flow maps that you are willing to share? I think that would help us visualise how others are using rotating assets too. We use them but not 100% correctly.

    Many thanks.

    Richard Barber
    Maintenance Systems Lead Engineer
    Drax Power Limited
    01757 612187

  • 8.  RE: How to share repairable Rotating Assets across Sites?

    Posted Wed December 04, 2019 08:40 AM
    thanks for sharing with us

    Ravi talwar

  • 9.  RE: How to share repairable Rotating Assets across Sites?

    Posted Thu December 05, 2019 06:23 AM

    As this is part of our methodology I'm not willing to share to public. I already shared with Richard in private and I'll do you for as well.

    Serge Gagnon
    STI Maintenance
    Jonquiere QC

  • 10.  RE: How to share repairable Rotating Assets across Sites?

    Posted 3 days ago

    HI Serge, Can you share the process flow to review one of our implementation

    Venkat Avirneni

  • 11.  RE: How to share repairable Rotating Assets across Sites?

    Posted Fri December 06, 2019 10:31 AM
    Serge, your responses have been excellent.  It is unfortunate this site doesn't have "like" or "up/down voting" options, because your responses on this thread are very good.

    Jason Uppenborn
    Maximo Consultant
    Ontracks Consulting

  • 12.  RE: How to share repairable Rotating Assets across Sites?

    Posted Mon December 23, 2019 09:20 AM

    I hit the `Recommend` button just now.

    Is it the same as 'Like'? (screencap attached)


  • 13.  RE: How to share repairable Rotating Assets across Sites?

    Posted Thu January 02, 2020 10:25 AM
    Looks like it. I must have thought "Recommend" was going to send the post as an email to someone, which is not what I wanted to do.

    Jason Uppenborn
    Sr. Technical Maximo Consultant
    Ontracks Consulting

  • 14.  RE: How to share repairable Rotating Assets across Sites?

    Posted 2 days ago

    Hi all, just throwing this out there although if I am not sure if it simplifies things, complicates them or just not relevant.  Is setting up a planned move in WOTrack an option?

    Steve Hauptman