Hi Pankaj,
have you seen Create/Revoke API Keys piece of documentation?
In general, if you would wish to create APIKEY for a specific user you can so something like this:
curl --location 'http://[host]:[port]/maxrest/oslc/os/mxapiapikey?lean=1' \
--header 'properties: userid,apikey' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'APIKEY: [APIKEY of the admin user]' \
--data '{
"userid": "[userid for which you wish to generate APIKEY]",
"expiration":[expiration date or -1 for 'never expire']
Andrzej Więcław
Maximo Technical Consultant
Wrocław, Poland
Original Message:
Sent: Mon September 09, 2024 11:47 AM
From: Pankaj Bhide
Subject: Any APIs for generating the apikeys for OSLC JSON Rest API
We are going to use one of the scheduler (not the maximo scheduler) applications with MAS 9. That requires all the users of the that app to have the API keys generated. We have approximately ~35-40 users that use that scheduler software.
Does IBM provide any API or using the automation script by which we can iterate the list of such users and generate the API keys for each user instead of using MAXIMO UI?
Please let me know.
Pankaj Bhide