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  • 1.  SevOne VMs (both NMS and DI) shutdown hosted on AWS

    Posted Wed January 10, 2024 04:45 PM

    We have set up our NPM and DI on AWS Techzone and we are still at POV mode so we are not required to run it regularly and only needing it as per the need basis, hence we are looking to shut down the VM and bring it up as needed. When we did shutdown last time, the Data Insight crashed, the graphql pod went into CrashLoopBackOff state. We had to configure the DI again to resolve this issue. Is there any way which enables us to shutdown these VMs without any issues? 

    Pavan Gumireddy

  • 2.  RE: SevOne VMs (both NMS and DI) shutdown hosted on AWS
    Best Answer

    Posted Thu January 11, 2024 01:41 PM

    The NMS and DI need to communicate with each other to call the SOA APIs. Since the IPs allocated to the DI and NMS were non persistent, the IPs had changed that causes the grapql pod to behave in that way. The solution is to make the IPs persistent on both the DI as well as the NMS on AWS.

    Ankit Kumar

  • 3.  RE: SevOne VMs (both NMS and DI) shutdown hosted on AWS

    Posted Fri January 12, 2024 05:08 AM

    Yes, this is somewhat expected. As a key server/service on a network we expect static IPs for SevOne to run on.

    Rupert Gregory
    Principal Product Manager, IBM SevOne NPM