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  • 1.  Notification or email updates for version releases

    Posted Thu February 23, 2023 02:29 PM

    Hi Team,

    Let me please ask a quick question. Do we have an option, if there is any, how the customer can subscribe for getting notifications, maybe emails about the available new releases, other than telling them our releases happen on a bi-weekly schedule?

    Thank you for the response in advance


    Mher Mnatsakanyan

    Mher Mnatsakanyan

  • 2.  RE: Notification or email updates for version releases

    Rational Test- Active Member
    Posted Fri February 24, 2023 09:40 AM
    Edited by Veeramani Nambi Wed March 06, 2024 11:31 PM

    There are two options that we recommend customers subscribe to:

    Announcement Letters:
    Updated on 03/06/24:   IBM Documentation has replaced the previous link.

    Support Notifications:

    IBMers can find more insights about the above at this internal blog entry:

    Steve Salavarria
    WW Subscription & Annuity Sales Leader for App Runtimes & DevOps
    IBM Corporation
    Richardson TX