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  • 1.  Move actions greyed out

    Posted Tue April 02, 2024 12:23 PM

    I have 2 recommended move actions.  I used to be able to selete them and it would move the VMs as recommended.  Now, they're greyed out and I have to manually do it through vCenter.

    Bryan Keadle

  • 2.  RE: Move actions greyed out

    Posted Wed April 03, 2024 02:26 PM

    I'm assuming that the VM Move action in Default policies is "default" as Manual and also that there hasn't been an automation policy created recently that configures Move actions on the subject VMs to Recommend? 

    Timothy Koss

  • 3.  RE: Move actions greyed out

    Posted Wed April 03, 2024 04:14 PM

    Hi Bryan,

    Further to what Timothy mentioned below, you can scope to the VM (select the VM) and the click on the 'Policies' tab.  Here you will see all policies enabled on this entity and if you scroll down to VM Settings and look under 'Automation Workflow' you'll be able to see the active policy and corresponding setting for your 'move' action. 

    Jamie Eastabrook

  • 4.  RE: Move actions greyed out

    Posted Fri April 05, 2024 11:55 AM

    Tim/Jamie.  Thank you.  I'll look into that

    Bryan Keadle

  • 5.  RE: Move actions greyed out

    Posted Fri April 05, 2024 05:47 PM

    Is this the right place?

    I changed it to recommend, and save, and the move action is still greyed out, after waiting a few hours:

    Bryan Keadle

  • 6.  RE: Move actions greyed out

    Posted Sun April 07, 2024 06:38 AM


    If the action mode is set to Recommend then it will show in the GUI but not allow you to select it. If you set it to Manual, then that will allow you to select and execute it. The mode of Automated will not even show it in the GUI and will execute it automatically (it will show in the "executed actions" widget with a user name of "System".

    If you see a Move action which is set to Manual in the policies but is greyed out and has a "no entry" symbol associated with it, if you check the action you will see that it is blocked by other actions and that could be because other move actions or other resize actions need to be executed first to achieve the optimum state.

    Hope that helps

    Barry Howard

  • 7.  RE: Move actions greyed out

    Posted Wed April 10, 2024 03:25 PM

    Scratching my head...

    "...and has "No Entry" symbol associated with it..." - I'm not sure what that means.  But even after making the change and waiting over an hour, I'm still unable to execute the move actions:

    I'm thinking you might be referring to these constraints that might be causing it not to be an actionable item:

    But I have been able to locate where those are or what to do about them.

    Bryan Keadle

  • 8.  RE: Move actions greyed out

    Posted Wed April 10, 2024 05:51 PM

    There is some confusion here, as the policy screen you show is for a Move action (which is a policy for moving VMs between Hosts) but the action screen you show is for an action to move VMs across Storage (note the Type column). You would need a different policy for that as it is a Storage vMotion as opposed to a normal vMotion. Also, the screenshot shows the action being greyed out but not having a "no entry" symbol against it.

    Barry Howard IT Automation Technical Specialist

  • 9.  RE: Move actions greyed out

    Posted Sun April 14, 2024 09:09 AM

    Sorry Bryan, the "no entry" comment was because the symbol below in the red box below is used in the UK as a street sign to mean no entry to a road :-)

    If they are not shown against your actions then they aren't being knowingly blocked by other actions or config requirements and so it must be due to policies.


    Barry Howard IT Automation Technical Specialist