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After 8.13.2 upgrade, we detected a lot of downloading traffic from AWS to our Turbonomic lab

  • 1.  After 8.13.2 upgrade, we detected a lot of downloading traffic from AWS to our Turbonomic lab

    Posted 7 hours ago
    Edited by Julio Riquelme 7 hours ago
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    This is a heads up from a "weird" situation we suffered a couple of weeks ago (I would like to know if I am the only one or someone else experienced the same situation).

    1) We had upgraded our local Turbonomic lab (created from OVA) from 8.12.x to 8.13.2

    2) We had added our AWS lab tenant as a target to Turbonomic (successfully), we just needed to add AWS cost to the demo, so we create the bucket, and waited to the next day. I did not check the next day (my fault)

    3) BUT, we were not aware that tenant was going to be discontinued the next day, so the admin cleaned it, removed everything (including our bucket). 

    4) AND, I  got an urgent alert from Security Team a couple of days later, notifying a huge amount of traffic coming down from AWS to our Turbonomic (and to the invoice), so I had to delete the target in a hurry, and they also removed the AWS account completely. 

    Because of that, I got no time to collect evidence, just the printscreen of the traffic they sent me, the one I attach below. 

    At the Costs target I just observed a lot of errors telling Turbo did not find the bucket and a lot of "try-again + error"

    Anyone has suffered the same? Maybe something just related to that versión?

    I have no other AWS tenant to test (I guess I will not...), the good thing is that did not happen to one of our clients. 

    Appreciate your feedback. 

    Julio Riquelme M.
    Solutions Architect
    Mainsoft Chile