AI and DS Skills

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What are the essential AI and DS skills for beginners to focus on

  • 1.  What are the essential AI and DS skills for beginners to focus on

    Posted Tue December 19, 2023 05:19 AM

    Hello Buddy, I am disha. I worked at Nitech Stainless Inc Top Best Stainless Steel Flanges Manufacturer in India.Aspiring data scientists and AI enthusiasts often face the challenge of deciding where to start. Discuss the foundational skills that beginners should prioritize when diving into the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. Share resources, learning paths, and personal experiences that can guide newcomers on their journey.

    Nitech Stainless

  • 2.  RE: What are the essential AI and DS skills for beginners to focus on

    Posted Tue January 02, 2024 01:43 PM

    Hello Disha! For aspiring data scientists and AI enthusiasts, mastering programming languages (Python, R), statistics, and machine learning basics is crucial. Explore online platforms like Coursera, edX, and Kaggle for courses and projects. Practice and hands-on projects are key for skill development.

    Dafer Yaner

  • 3.  RE: What are the essential AI and DS skills for beginners to focus on

    Posted Thu January 04, 2024 04:37 PM

    Hi Disha! 

    For those just entering the field of data science, it's important to be prepared to problem solve. Learning how to ask the right questions and to find reasonable and credible answers online is one of the most important skills for anyone in this profession. Get familiar with Stackoverflow and similar sites and with really reading the answers to understand whether a solution will work for you or not. Remember that your first solution doesn't have to be perfect, and that you can iterate until you get it right. 

    One of the most useful soft skills in data science is strong communication. You should be able to explain what you've learned or built and why it's important. If you just finished learning about your data with a great new EDA method, you should be able to explain what you learned in simple language, and to highlight the important bits to a non-technical audience. You should be able to explain what problem your newly trained model solves, and why it's an improvement over the previous solution. This also goes hand in hand with leaving useful comments in your code for your team. Strong communication skills will really elevate the work that any DS does. 

    Some of the most common things a new DS will need to know: python with pandas, command line (simple commands to change directories, listing the files in a directory, knowing what a PATH is etc.), an IDE (pycharm, visual studio, atom), and version management in git through github.

    As Dafer suggests, there are many online resources for practicing these skills. Good luck on your journey!

    Lena Goryunova