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  • 1.  Using a Content Management System with Watson Assistant

    Posted Mon October 04, 2021 10:29 AM

    We are interested in using a CMS to store the content for the responses provided by Watson Assistant. Has anyone tried this? Is it on product roadmap?

    Reasons we want to do this include:
    • being able to see our Assistant responses alongside web content, agent campaign scripts, etc for a topic. This will help us keep information for a topic aligned over several channels
    •  allowing people who are not Watson trained users to manage the content. Examples for this use case include culture and language experts who provide specific multi-lingual translations (i.e. not auto-translated), content owned by experts, etc
    Does that make sense? Interested to hear if others have this need or have solved for it a different way.

    University of Auckland

    Matt Poole


  • 2.  RE: Using a Content Management System with Watson Assistant

    Posted Mon October 04, 2021 11:38 AM

      You're probably better off just doing an analysis of your log files.  You can use the API to pull logs from your Assistant skills, and then save and analyze those logs however you would like.  There are lots of iPythion notebooks out there that do this sort of analysis - you might be better served by taking on of those and modifying it to meet your needs.  I wrote a blog post about this (with links to projects with notebooks) here -> I love my Watson Chatbot. The post is over a year old - so some of those scripts might need a bit of tweaking.  The concepts hold true - you can see a lot of information in your Watson Assistant logs.

    Daniel Toczala
    Community Leader and Customer Success Manager - Watson

  • 3.  RE: Using a Content Management System with Watson Assistant

    Posted Mon October 04, 2021 04:25 PM
    Kia Ora Daniel

    Thanks for your info. I may have explained my problem poorly, sorry.

    When I say "store the content for the responses provided by Watson Assistant" I am meaning storing the text of the dialog answers that Watson provides to intents i.e. store the answers outside of Watson where thy can be linked and managed with similar content in other channels e.g. web content.

    Is that any clearer?


    Matt Poole

  • 4.  RE: Using a Content Management System with Watson Assistant

    Posted Mon October 04, 2021 04:43 PM
    Kia Ora Matt!!  (had to look that one up - I like it, I'm going to use it from now on....) 

      Same concept.  Use a Python notebook, or your favorite language and SDK, and retrieve the logs from your Watson Assistant.  You will be able to see user inputs, the responses, detected intents and confidences, and all sorts of other interesting data.  You can then store that however you would like.  Use one of those projects to get the code that will pull the logs - it's always easier to grab something existing.  Then do the rest yourself.  There is no pre-built, push-button way to do this.  

    Daniel Toczala
    Community Leader and Customer Success Manager - Watson