SPSS Statistics

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  • 1.  Getting Errors Running Hayes Process Macro With SPSS 28

    Posted Tue February 06, 2024 11:28 AM

    My model consists of one binary independent variable (IV), one multi-categorical moderator (MOD) and a continuous dependent variable (DV). 
    IV and MOD are highly correlated (if IV=0, no moderation, if IV=1, MOD=1, 2 or 3) on purpose.
    When running the Hayes Process macro in IBM SPSS 28, the following information including several errors is presented, 


    Error encountered in source line # 49489

    Error # 12492
    An attempt has been made to use previously undefined matrix (or scalar).
    Execution of this command stops.
    Matrix - 'B' is undefined
    Error encountered in source line # 49489

    Error # 12322
    Right hand side of COMPUTE is undefined.

    *********************** ANALYSIS NOTES AND ERRORS ************************

    ERROR: A linear or near linear dependency (singularity) exists in the data."

    I have created dummies for the moderator with same result.

    Your help or suggestions are appreciated.

    Twan Oosterveld

  • 2.  RE: Getting Errors Running Hayes Process Macro With SPSS 28

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue February 06, 2024 11:53 AM
    The first error about singularity triggers all the subsequent ones, so you can ignore the later messages.

    Try running an ordinary linear regression with those variables after dummying the MOD variables and include the collinearity diagnostics to help you understand the singularities.


  • 3.  RE: Getting Errors Running Hayes Process Macro With SPSS 28

    Posted Fri February 09, 2024 06:45 AM

    Hello Jon,

    Thanks for your reponse. I ran the linear regressions successfully. However, it's my understanding that the Hayes Process macro offers significant advantages over simple linear regression for moderation analysis and it can enhance the reliability of the moderation analysis results. I've checked various sources and for my model, the macro should work. I was hoping to learn how to get it to work.

    Thanks again. Regards, Twan Oosterveld

    Twan Oosterveld

  • 4.  RE: Getting Errors Running Hayes Process Macro With SPSS 28

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri February 09, 2024 09:35 AM
    My suggestion to run linear regression was just to get the collinearity diagnostics to help you figure out why you are encountering singularity in the Hayes macro.


  • 5.  RE: Getting Errors Running Hayes Process Macro With SPSS 28

    Posted Tue July 23, 2024 09:28 AM

    Hi Jon,

    I am using SPSS 29 and have a similar error as well. When I use model 4, everything is working (X, Y and M - continuous variables) but when I use Moderator (binary) in model 58/59 I get the error message mentioned above. I tried running a simple moderation analysis using model 1 and still the same error.

    I tried looking for collinearity as you suggested and my VIF values are <1.1, which is not high from my understanding.



    Saahithh Patlola

  • 6.  RE: Getting Errors Running Hayes Process Macro With SPSS 28

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu July 25, 2024 05:03 PM
    Sorry, but I don't use that procedure and can't provide any more suggestions.  I would suggest that you direct the question to the Hayes or reddit site, where there are users of that procedure.  As you know, the procedures does not come from IBM/SPSS.--