Decision Optimization

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  • 1.  CP Optimizer: alwaysConstant with OPL and Python

    Posted Tue March 12, 2024 12:55 PM

    Hi everyone,

    I have found the situation when function alwaysConstant is not working with OPL. The problem occurs when constraints using alwaysConstant are enumerated in a loop. However, such problem doesn't occur when modeling with Python.

    1 case (OPL with loop)

    using CP;
    int period_size = 50;
    range steps = 0..3;
    stateFunction my_state_function;
    subject to 
      forall( h in steps ) 
        alwaysConstant(my_state_function, h * period_size, (h + 1) * period_size);


    Computation error: an overflow occurred.

    2 case (OPL without loop)

    using CP;
    int period_size = 50;
    range steps = 0..3;
    stateFunction my_state_function;
    subject to 
      alwaysConstant (my_state_function, 0, 50);
      alwaysConstant (my_state_function, 50, 100);
      alwaysConstant (my_state_function, 100, 150);
      alwaysConstant (my_state_function, 150, 200);


    stepwise{ -1 -> 0; 0 -> 200; -1 }

    3 case (Python with loop)

    import docplex.cp.model as cp_model
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        model = cp_model.CpoModel("alwaysConstant with cycle")
        period_size = 50
        step_max = 3
        my_state_function = cp_model.state_function(name="my state function")
        for h in range(step_max + 1):
            model.add(cp_model.always_constant(my_state_function, (h * period_size, (h + 1) * period_size)))
        solution = model.solve(TimeLimit=10, trace_log=False)


    my state function: ((-4503599627370494, 0, -1), (0, 50, 0), (50, 100, 0), (100, 150, 0), (150, 200, 0), (200, 4503599627370494, -1))

    4 case (Python without loop)

    import docplex.cp.model as cp_model
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        model = cp_model.CpoModel("alwaysConstant without cycle")
        period_size = 50
        step_max = 3
        my_state_function = cp_model.state_function(name="my state function")
        model.add(cp_model.always_constant(my_state_function, (0, 50)))
        model.add(cp_model.always_constant(my_state_function, (50, 100)))
        model.add(cp_model.always_constant(my_state_function, (100, 150)))
        model.add(cp_model.always_constant(my_state_function, (150, 200)))
        solution = model.solve(TimeLimit=10, trace_log=False)


    my state function: ((-4503599627370494, 0, -1), (0, 50, 0), (50, 100, 0), (100, 150, 0), (150, 200, 0), (200, 4503599627370494, -1))

    Rustam Salikhov

  • 2.  RE: CP Optimizer: alwaysConstant with OPL and Python

    Posted Mon March 18, 2024 10:46 AM

    Hello Rustam,

    Unfortunately, you've found a bug in the OPL.
    We are working to fix it.
    We are very sorry for the inconvenience.
    In the meantime you can use the following workaround.

    range steps1 = 0..4;
    int k[i in steps1]= i*period_size;
       alwaysConstant(my_state_function, k[h], k[h+1]);

    I hope this helps.

    Christiane Bracchi

  • 3.  RE: CP Optimizer: alwaysConstant with OPL and Python

    Posted Tue March 19, 2024 02:44 AM

    Dear Christiane,

    Thank you for your support. I hope it will be easy to fix it.

    Rustam Salikhov